Press release from the House of Vanrobaeys…

1 champion of association with Vanrobaeys "Premium power Super Champ" No. 735.

We congratulate on this map sports friend Georg Fröhlingsdorf from Bergisch Gladbach to winning the Federation Cup 2015!


When Georg Fröhlingsdorf, the motto is: "those who much work must eat much."

In this context he provides ample movement. Morning and evening the racers get an hour flight, while a flag is used to keep the animals in the air. Every day, there is therefore a full feeding. With regard to the feeding, Georg Fröhlingsdorf changed its method last year. So far, he bought various energy mixes from different producers and confounding them as a forage together. He changed it when he came across the company of Vanrobaeys from Belgium. According to his wishes and ideas, food experts developed the mixture "premium power Super Champ" according to recipe by Georg Fröhlingsdorf. This feed with the number "735" includes 30 different single seeds and is perfectly equipped on the needs and high stress in the tourist season. The lining is the recipe for success by Georg Fröhlingsdorf. "Who demands high performance of his pigeons, which must feed them also with the best seed", so, the first German champions 2015 cited his recipe for success. A food must easily fit and meet needs of pigeons to 100%. This fairly high-fat mixture is fed to all days of the week, it's more up the blow since no other food.

Fröhlingsdorf Vanrobaeys

This mixture"Premium power Super Champ" No. 735 is now available and can be ordered directly from your dealer!

More information at:


Gregor Alexander

Fauviller ring 55

53501 County

Phone: (0 15 22) 1 87 55 63

Fax: (0 26 41) 9 12 73 86




The new crop of hemp seed in top quality is now available!

tm 122015 vanrobaeys


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