Ruth Rabinowitz – 1 champion of association with year 2015…

roeper 2015

When we us in early October after England, to write a report about Wolfgang Roeper, I was sick thoughts, like a man who Championship won a German for the umpteenth time this year subject to, would probably combine the travel year. The response from Wolfgang was very interesting: "I would say that the travel year was good, but not very good." I had to honestly say a little chuckle. The "Grey Wolf" from England was pleased with his year-old travel service, but his old pigeons have come not as usual in the tip. Who now thinks that Wolfgang is thought bad luck, which has far from: "the old, mostly the pigeons from the year 2012, had simply not the quality, and therefore they have no better", as Wolfgang.

The key to success

In England it is of the opinion that pigeon racing is taken very easy basically: first you need good pigeons, a functioning system of blow and a good supply. These three factors, coupled with a continually strict selection must lead to success. An old bird must fly in England from 12 stakes at least 9 prices; one-year olds meet 6 to 8 prices, with at least 3-4 at the top should be expensed.

The pigeons

This year's were mainly the year-old birds, who have held high the banner of the shock. Above all are the sons of the former as - and Olympic pigeons, which have already brought a very good breeding. There are for example the "220", "16", "114", "101", "412", "303", "593", "394", the 2nd as bird on federal level 2012, the "6241", as well as 7 children of the first as bird 2012 "272" for a super breeding. Wolfgang follows the philosophy for years, that the good guys again from the good. "Nowadays, most growers buy but the descent, which must be more than a newspaper, and not the Dove. As the great-great grandfather has flown well." His best bird 11 / 10 and all prices in the first one-tenth this year comes from the "394" itself six times flying 1 bankruptcy. Nevertheless, Wolfgang tried to reinforce boys every year with purchased that stalled, his opinion is delete. In the year 2014, he bought boy Freddy and Jaques Vandenheede, traveled with them and very happy. 2015 he bought young pigeons, which he has traveled again with Theo van gene echten again. But the boy, coming from the toppers of the external shocks are preferred. These must immediately prove their suitability on the trip. "This is the fastest way to success while a more expensive, but in my opinion", so Wolfgang. If you want to amplify the offspring from performance pigeons should you buy directly.

The system

For many years, the method of dry widower is practised here. The pigeons will only occasionally receive free flight in winter and be about's paired on March 1. When the nesting is done, they may breed 5 to 7 days and will be then separated, then once again 3 weeks later mated, so that they are on the last flight before full Witwer. During this time, Wolfgang slowly introduces his team in the season. First, they have to fly only 5 to 10 minutes what is increased until the beginning of the season to up to 30 minutes. Within the journey the birds should fly in the morning and in the evening about half an hour. To the window/approaches are closed and when Lucy feels that the doves want to fly any more, he opens the window and the widower can land or even fly further as please them. Not so narrowly took the training time, I noted in a previous visit during the season. Wolfgang had the birds for the evening flight out at that time and after about 10 minutes they sat again before approaching and wanted to be in the strike. I eagerly went home and wondered how that probably will reflected in the result at the weekend. The result was very impressive: the first 3 bankruptcies in the regional Federation and 87.5% price yield.

roeper impact

Medical accompaniment

When the pigeons breed the 2nd time in the spring, a prophylactic treatment with Ronidazole is performed. This is also the only preventive treatment, which is made in England. 4 to 6 as year-old birds a thorough examination, also on chlamydia, by Dr. Mathias Warzecha undergo for a medical examination of the reason. Before the season, the birds are trained private 5-15 km usually only 2-3 times, but come for 4 before flights, the cabin Express. Owing to the unfavourable transport connections of sorrow box, Wolfgang would have through the Hamburg city traffic to train his pigeons in flight direction. Wolfgang Roeper says: "vote so the benefits and I don't feel like training pigeons for hours to drive. Since I prefer lying in a deck chair and let God be a nice man."

Supply of Röhnfried

The youngsters receive regularly from weaning until the beginning of travel events Gervit-W and Rotosal. Also get all pigeons every day fresh Dove friend grit with anise. By this grit, Wolfgang fed at least 30 bins per year, because the "pigeons very well take him up". In addition to the fresh grit his widower receive two small gebröselte every two days Delicious stones in round enamel pots. "If the pigeons with the pot come see then they run on me and are keen", as Wolfgang. The watering hole is located in every Tuesday for more than 2 decades Flash form and it should in future not omitted. Otherwise, it is kept very simple supply. The pigeons are the same from week to week run. However, the "Grey Wolf" makes an exception when feeding. The pigeons of extra cribs maize and then their high-energy grain diet receive a 500 and 600. It remains then for about 15 minutes in the trough and is then removed.

On a feature, I would draw the reader still attention: each widower gets fed after each feeding peanuts by Wolfgang in the cell from the hand. On the Sunday morning and Sunday night he distributed 1 nut, on the Monday morning and Monday evenings 2 each and increases the nut, until Thursday after two feedings, a widower gets 5 peanuts. This fills the major fat reserves of pigeons and strengthens the bond between breeders and animal tremendously. If this relationship is not vote, are no great benefits to be expected from Wolfgang's page, because he is convinced that a widower primarily flies on its territory and therefore is motivated by the daily affection.

roeper impact inside

Medicines in the travel

Since it rarely has the pleasure to discuss with such a top player, I wanted to know how he feels about weekly antibiotics in the season by Wolfgang. Wolfgang's opinion was this clearly: "these people is in fact not helping. With the weekly antibiotic administration, I constantly destroy the intestinal flora, which then Yes must be rebuilt. I am of the opinion that one is a season very well without antibiotics, but not without Ergänzer such as Flash form, Tasty stone, Grit, Mineral powder and condition powder comes out. If my widower 4 years brought super services, I would like to breed at least 5 or 6 years yes even from these pigeons and if I can do that with pigeons, for a lifetime with antibiotics are pumped full of, there is a big question mark for me."

Wolfgang's female game

The female game at Wolfgang exists, as is already known, not: "If I was younger 20 or 30 years, then I would play only with females", he says. He reported that the national winner in Belgium are mostly females, because they regenerate faster, not so much fight in the cabin, are easier to control and cope with a bad flight even faster than their male conspecifics. Maybe, yes the one or the other ambitious sports enthusiasts could absorb this tip to be able to focus better on the pigeon sport.

All in all always the impression that there is hardly what easier than to pursue the successful pigeon racing is a visit to Wolfgang. But here easily equate not easy

… If it were so easy!

Best flights 2015

1st flight 152 km against 2.248 pigeons: 8, 20, 23, 24, 26,... (43/33)

3. flight 264 km against 2,060 pigeons: 2, 3, 4,... (42/34)

4. flight 326 km against 5.441 pigeons: 9, 12, 15, 18, 28a.... (41-39)

6 flight 407 km against 4.705 pigeons: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 11, 37, 36.... (40/35)

10 flight 407 km against 3,230 pigeons: 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11a., 11b.... (34/29)

11. Flight 326 km against 2,838 pigeons:.. 1a, 1b, 3, 4, 9, ... (32/3

Frederik Wolf


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