Product of the week – Dr Brockamp Omega 3 oil lecithin …

brockamp omega-3
Energetic oil on fat metabolism to optimierenLecithin is one of the most valuable agents in nature and is one of the essential cell components. It is important for the continuous assessment of all update body and nerve cells and attacks in various metabolic processes.
How important is a cell, tissue or body fluid, the greater is the amount of lecithin. Brain, nerve, seeds -, blood, heart and liver cells, especially egg yolks and milk (10% lecithin) contain high concentrations of lecithin. Furthermore, lecithin high emulsifying Eigenschaften.Alle nutrients, decisive lecithin main catalytic converter and amplifier for the Stoffwechsel.Die main components of lecithin are choline and inositol. These prevent the fatty degeneration of the liver and the kidneys. A deficiency will cause liver damage and slowing growth. Choline, along with vitamin C, L-carnitine and the hormone ACTH for improved fat burning. Inositol engages in the protein metabolism and promotes muscle growth and optimal development of spring for. In addition, it helps in the distribution of body fat.
Omega-3 oil lecithin contains a balanced combination of high-quality oils, that are particularly rich in the essential fatty acids linoleic and linolenic acid. It contains also a balanced amount of arachidonic acid. It will vestofwisseling the important omega-3-long-chain fatty acids EPA and DHA, built where the Dove fly out his energy. It contains vitamin E (fertility vitamin) protects against oxidation of other vitamins and has activating effect on the sex glands. It is absolutely in all times of strenuous physical exercise, how to manage for example. During the breeding season to recommend that a good general care with essential nutrients causes energy of the APF 90 season and the Mauser, Omega-3 oil with lecithin Probac during the growth phase of the boy for an optimal physical development and prevents, that the young pigeon disease here.

Recommended use; 1 kg of feed 2 times a week with 5 ml omega-3 oil lecithin wetting and binding with 5 g or 5 g APF Energy Probac 90th



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Brockamp sept 2015


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