Products of the week – Recovery plus and condition plus – New from BEYERS…

beyers recovery Beyers recovery plus, 600 g

Recovery plus is to a protein supplement that helps your pigeons, quickly after a flight
recover. The special thing about recovery plus is that it contains Guanidine-acetic acid, the the
Accelerates regeneration of muscles, which are attacked by the flight. Also contains
Recovery plus a broad spectrum of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E) and minerals
(Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium), so your pigeons for the next flight back
quickly can come in the form. To support the immune system recovery includes plus about
also one extract of green tea. During the breeding, recovery can be used plus.
to cover the high protein requirement of fütternder pigeons and adolescent boys.


• 20 g (1 tablespoon) on 1 kg of food
• During the breeding: 1 x per week
• During the racing season: 1 x per week (at home)

beyers conditionBeyers condition plus, 600 g

Condition plus a unique condition powder, which is your pigeons you throughout the year
can keep in prime condition. Condition plus contains all your doves have needed,
the heavy loads during the breeding and easily manage travel and Mausersaison
to be able to. Condition plus has a fat content of not less than 20% and contains lecithin
and L-carnitine, so that these fats can be completely converted. Also includes
Condition Plus a wide range of vitamins and amino acids. To the immune system of
to support pigeons, also yeast cell walls and oregano were added.


• 20 g (1 tablespoon) on 1 kg of food
• During the breeding: 1 x per week
• During the moulting period: 1 x per week
• During the racing season: 2 x per week



beyers June 2015

Beyers breeders pigeons market logo copy They buy products here…(click)

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