2015 – sensational year for Etienne Pauwels…

The travel year 2015 is not over yet, but it's worth to give a brief overview of the journey results of our PREMIUM breeder of Etienne Pauwels of Kermt.

The very sympathetic and down-to-Earth breeder has played for years with a few excellent pigeons at the highest level.



pauwels with trophies



Chimay, 278 jaarduiven

5-22-37-78-90-92-98-110-111-119-220. 11 / 17

Laon , 216 jaarse

2-7-23-24-28-19-33-38-55-66-68-101-102 14 / 18

667 oude

4-26-70-73-87-88-98-112-167. 9/18

Laon 300 jaarse

10-13-18-25-28-43-46-47-63-64-103-122-142.13 / 16

Laon , 221 jaarse

14-15-36-50-60-80-100. 8/11

967 jaarse

114-25-52-182-216. 6/11

Gien, 61 jaarse

1-15-17. 3/4

H.z 601 jaarse

148-63. 3/4

Provinciaal 1913 jaarse

11-220-233. 3/4

Soudun 155 jaarse

16-9-15. 4/9

Small of hafo 309 jaarse

1-11-17-26. 4/9

H.z 2304 jaarse

134-53-98. 4/9

Sourdun 117 jaarse

3-4-5-7-8-16-25-46. 8/10

KHafo 248 jaarse

4-7-9-13-14-28-45. 7/10

H.z 2146 jaarse

11-25-34-52-57-112-190-427. 8/10

Sourdun 134 jaarse

4-5-11-14-17-27-28-31-40-41-64. 11/14

K H.z 220 jaarse

5-6-16-22-39-40-49 -. 8/14

H.z 1903 jaarse

9-11-46-64-89-160-163-230-306-307 -. 10/14


Etienne Pauwels Zuechter Here you can read more about Etienne Pauwels…(click)


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