You want to be champion? … and know how others successfully power their pigeons?

To get answers to these questions, the product development at Röhnfried is one of the most important challenges.


"We see at Röhnfried that the pigeon sport is more professional. We want to meet not only these high standards, but Röhnfried its customers wants to launch a new era in the homing pigeon care facility. To make it feasible for all breeders, his pigeons as professional wiemöglich and to provide optimum yet simple manner. This is our goal and I'll ensure me personally.

To create, in a direction that weigh as little as possible on the Dove body natural supplements – that's where we start. I want to achieve that every pigeon in the situation is to convert physical strength rather than to deal with unnecessary metabolic processes flight performance.

To use the still existing need medicines will be in demMaße, how we will succeed in the immune response of pigeons to improve. The strengthening of the immune system through meaningful, natural ingredients is atop the program at Röhnfried.

Our guiding principle is the release of performance reserves through a targeted relief in the pigeon organism at optimum, competitive all around care. Improve endurance performance and the improvement of breeding quality are the focus of our research.

In the field of Immunobiology and nutritional Physiology, an enormous scientific work has been done in recent years. This latest research results be implemented today very much with us in product development. My personal interests clearly go to compensate for the shortcomings of the mixed fodders with highly effective additive preparations.

Shape suggests class. Therefore, we see our main task is to combine practical supply concepts and proven, scientific programs, which enable each Dove to show what is in it.

We are proud of the fact that pigeon sportsmen of all Nations remain loyal to us. Relying on our skills and the proven Röhnfried product quality."

Feeding concepts

Winners provide clever!

This feeding concept is very suitable for breeders who want to cover a solid basis for the supply of all essential nutrients and active ingredients. The combination of sheathed grains like Winput with seed mixtures matching ensures a full-fledged primary care. A few additional liquid or powdered dietary supplement complete supply, E.g. for the extra protein or supply of energy. The optional integration of preparations to reduce the infection pressure, this feeding concept for every grower forms a solid foundation to achieve a built flight Constitution. It ensures vitality and physical condition all year round.

röhnfried easy

This feeding concept is mainly intended for breeders
who want to feed their pigeons with utmost security and at the same time want to take advantage of the properties of preparations, enhancing the performance and health. The supplement with pillierten dietary supplement such as Winput and RPK plus 60 ensures safety in the power delivery as a basis. The selection of special preparations here focuses on the feeding concept of Alfred Berger. This results in a world-class vitality and stamina and to putting a shortened regeneration, relaxation and energy at the highest level for a maximum power handling, and an intense training and travel program.

röhnfried expert

Alfred Berger,
Product development and management at Röhnfried


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