Tip of the week - Dr Brockamp PROBAC green earth...

Therapeutic mineral soil to regulate pH in the gastrointestinal tract

Probac green earth is a pure natural product without chemical additives and consists exclusively of naturally occurring green glacial Löß. It contains very rare trace elements, also the Green stems of which in addition to numerous minerals.

Excess gastric and bile acid and toxins of harmful bacteria can cause diarrhea and be the cause of a number of intestinal diseases. Probac green earth can bind excess stomach and bile acid, toxins and harmful intestinal bacteria and thus regulates the pH value in the entire gastrointestinal tract. The application prevents indigestion, is used for purification and detoxification, prevent upset stomach and diarrhea and can very well help the General colon cleansing... An acidification of the body counteract their alkaline mineral substances and trace elements. In addition, the high content of silica ensures a shiny plumage.

The binding capacity and thus the effectiveness of a medicinal mud is all the stronger the Löß is fine. This is also the decisive advantage from Probac of green earth compared to traditional healing. It has an extremely small particle size and thus a very large surface area on which of the above mentioned substances can bind in addition to the composition of the rare trace elements. Due to this very strong binding properties, Probac green earth should be administered but not with drugs, because this, their effectiveness will be reduced.

Due to the properties mentioned, Probac Green Earth is ideal for supporting the mode of action of the probiotic bacteria contained in Probac 1000 or Probac Energy. Administered regularly, Probac Green Earth supplements the Probac supply system by removing harmful bacteria from the intestine and replacing them with beneficial bacteria. It is therefore recommended to integrate Probac Green Earth into this supply system. For this purpose, 1 kg of feed for 25 pigeons per day is moistened with a little Back's moor concentrate 1-2 times a week and tied with 10 g of Probac Green Earth.

Other areas of use

Probac green earth is a typical all-year product, because it serves throughout all load phases of renovation of the intestinal flora. Therefore Probac green earth should be used all year round 1-2 x a week as described above. In the travel time, the gift from Probac green earth accelerates the regeneration phase. During the breeding makes it for an ideal supply of minerals, as well as firmly bonded feces of young pigeons. The high proportion of silica also leads to an elastic and silky smooth plumage, and makes it so essential for the Mauser.

Health comes from the gut!

peter brockamp

Due to the properties mentioned, Probac Green Earth is ideal for supporting the mode of action of the probiotic bacteria contained in Probac 1000 or Probac Energy. Administered regularly, Probac Green Earth supplements the Probac supply system by removing harmful bacteria from the intestine and replacing them with beneficial bacteria. It is therefore recommended to integrate Probac Green Earth into this supply system. For this purpose, 1 kg of feed for 25 pigeons per day is moistened with a little Back's moor concentrate 1-2 times a week and tied with 10 g of Probac Green Earth.


Dr.Brockamp buy here... (click)



Brockamp april 2015-2

brockamp april 2015-1


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