PREMIUM AUCTION – Vanoppen-Luyten

Patrick Vanoppen & Carlo Luyten, Herk-de-Stad

of the best Schlag auf der Mittelstrecke 2013 und Belgiens 2014



5 x 1st provincial
40 x TOP 10 Provincial
1 x 1st National (z)
10 x TOP 10 National

3. National Champion small middle distance KBDB yearlings 1 2
5 NAT. ACE pigeon middle distance yearlings KBDB
6 NAT. ACE pigeon KBDB middle distance old
9 NAT. ACE pigeon KBDB middle distance old
13 NAT. ACE pigeon middle distance yearlings KBDB

1 PROV Sourdun 2,845 yl
1 PROV Bourges II 1,616 yl
1 PROV La Souterraine II 521 o.b.
1 PROV Argenton II 807 yl
1 PROV Argenton II 807 yl (2 pigeons in same time)
1 NAT. (z). Bourges II 2980 yl
2 NAT. Argenton 4.498 yl
2 NAT. Argenton 4.498 yl
3 NAT. Valence 6.449 o.b.
4 NAT. Bourges 10141 yl
4 NAT. Argenton 4.498 yl
5 NAT. Argenton 4.498 yl
5 NAT. Chateauroux 4.316 o.b.
6 NAT. Argenton 4.498 yl
7 NAT. Chateauroux 4.316 o.b.
10 NAT. La Souterraine 3,184 o.b.


2 x 1ste Nationaal
4 x 1st provincial
2 x 1st National (z)
6 x top 10 Nationaal

3 WET.
7 WET.
15. National Champion KBDB middle distance old Small 1 2

1 NAT. Argenton II 6 801 yl
1 NAT. Issoudun 5.670 o.b.
1 NAT. (z) Issoudun 1.948 o.b.
1 NAT. Argenton II (z) 1,875 yl
1 Prov.
fastest of 11428 pigeons on entire discharge
1 Prov. Bourges I 1,290 yl
1 Prov. Issoudun 926 o.b.
1 Prov. Argenton II 896 yl
3 NAT. Bourges I 13.570 yl
6 NAT. Montlucon 21.827 yl
9 NAT. Chateauroux 4.757 o.b.
10 WET 2.918 o.b. Nevers.


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