Breeder's Crown 2014 - the winners

Breeder's Crown 2014 – The winner crown


The Breeders Crown – Breeder's Crown by Dr. Boskamp

"Breeders Crown" (Breeders Crown) belongs to the highest
Awards in the pigeon sport. That the winning not on a
Competition is limited, but by a special kind of
Features versatility on different distances, it makes so
especially valuable. This Championship is a special for every grower

Conditions of tender:

Organizer: IG long distance South-East

The fastest 3 pigeons are analysed. It is the smallest list, the the
Corresponds to the minimum of 10 participating breeders and 100 pigeons.

If price is the same, the evaluation according to the Olympic formula for cat. (E).

(Price of the pigeon x 1000) / (number of employed pigeons) = coefficient for a price

Another equality count km (actual impact survey).

According to the high quality of this competitor are the winners
very valuable awards available.

The ceremony will be at the int. TaubenMarkt show in Kassel instead.

The first 10 placings will be honored.

Sponsor: Dr. Boskamp / pigeon VetCenter

In cooperation with

The winner 2014

grosse ophoff

Annegret and Wolfgang big v – Winners of the Breeders Crown 2014 competition


Place Name First name Prices Coeff.
1 Big v W. a. O. 12 392,56
2 Weber Norbert 12 758,22
3 Daly Uwe 12 761,43
4 Fuhrmann H. - J. 12 840,48
5 Schmidt/construction SG 12 852,61
6 Laufer/Greving SG 12 996,78
7 Horses Edith 12 1061,42
8 Theisen Karl 12 1183,58
9 Wietholt Ludger 12 1202,28
10 Gutsche Walter 12 1586,12
11 Jackson/Schulte SG 11 1066,35
12 Roettlingsberger A. u. M. 11 1390,37
13 Stascia Christopher 11 1770,59
14 Hufnagel Lucia u. Gottlieb 10 1196,43
15 Lenz Walter 10 1999,88
16 Perk Jörg 9 1727,38

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