Pigeon gold - during the moult to the construction of the new spring dress

Pigeon gold – during the moult to the construction of the new spring dress

Upcoming or ongoing moult it has proven, on a regular basis Pigeon gold to insert. It provides through its high content of sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and choline for a premium spring work.


vanleest09-1Van leest-Peeters "
I'm a big believer of the Röhnfried product range. I'm MUMM, Gervit-W, Pavifac and of course pigeon gold delights of Avidress plus,. Pigeon gold is hervorrragend and a must in the breeding and moulting. “


taubengold_250_1000mlPigeon gold
Dietary supplement for pigeons with a high content of sulfur-containing amino acid methionine.
• Liver protection
• Regeneration
• Mauser – & Farming help
Packaging unit: 1000 ml bottle

3 to 4 times a week 20 ml per 1 liter of water or 750 g grain feed.

more information

Röhnfried buy pigeon gold here…(click)

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