In April 2014 - by veterinarian Peter Boskamp

In April 2014 – von Tierarzt Peter Boskamp


The many emails, but also the discussions on various trade fairs, make clear that there are still many misconceptions regarding too many relatively simple things. Of course, it is partly not really just made pigeon breeders. Because we can divide the directions of veterinarians who deal mainly with pigeons in a group that prefers to keep especially the prescribing of antibiotics to the pigeons healthy and another group, which I reckon myself, who want to use also antibiotics if necessary, but give especially also place want to for a more natural support for the pigeons to less sensitive for infections that threaten them , making the use can be restricted more medicines.
As is often mentioned, we see the results at competitions of the latter procedure in increasing measure. To do so we see this approach that the pigeons are less dependent on drugs to stay healthy.
An even more important benefit of this approach is that a better selection is possible because not all are held by different (unnecessary) cures weak brothers alive. The end result is a master of pigeons which is getting stronger.

But good. The veterinarians from both groups provide advice to the pigeon breeders so from their own point of view. These pieces of advice are then often of course also non-compliant which also the opinions among pigeon breeders can vary greatly. On the border of these opinions, then often form the old wives tales that can help anyone. Often then runs the fantasy with reality.

The yellow button

Seems to be a difference of opinion one of diseases where treatment of the yellow button or Trichomoniasis is. I think that all vets agree that this parasite to fight properly is with a chemotherapeutic agent if this long enough and sufficiently high doses. Especially if the letter 'R' in the month the doves drink little, and this yellow parasites allow does not get out of step. We then regularly see breeders who claim to have made a course of six days, but where the strongest yellow parasites are not done yet. The pigeon breeders is in good faith and kurt according to instructions on the packet in a dosage as specified there.
The practice teaches us however that this is no longer sufficient in many cases. Because the pigeons inadequate drinking long not all parasites are going to die. In the long run the stronger remain that are increasingly difficult to combat. Resistance is waiting to pounce.
We can tackle this problem in part to feed the pigeons and to take the drinking pot away and only to return when they have digestion due to strong demand for liquid. So, increases the chance of success already.
The course of action given the drug through the feed is more effective. The practice teaching for checks that this form of cures is successful.
This is so preferred. But if you want to really tackle the problem is there a capsule two days oral. Most infections will be this totally helped.
In the trade, there are capsules on natural base. We have unfortunately confirm the outcomes that were logged on the leaflet in the cases we've tested. May be the cause of unlike virulence ('power') is between the different parasites. This would then possibly explain why we unfortunately no or insufficient effect saw in these capsules. We saw the same evil at the Usneano recently developed by us plus tincture. Applying this solution in drinking water resulted in an almost complete reduction of existing yellow parasites test pigeons. The practice was not always successful. There were infections that were not entirely gone. It is possible that insufficient drinking ensures the even with the application of a drug often insufficient effect, is responsible for this. What we know for sure is mildly that the parasites, to have a revulsion against Usneano plus.


Coccidiosis is already so the opinions very apart run about a disease. When an infection is serious and when not? Before we as lower on go, we need to discuss another important point. I see often surprised faces when we examine the pigeon droppings in a club. Full attention, I sometimes watch the pigeon breeders as an employee the feces mix until a proper mixture which is then twice centrifuged on a high number of revolutions. The second time a saturated solution of zinc or kitchen salt solution is used for this purpose. In this way, we get a real picture of existing parasites. Not only as the result of a treatment is to measure accurately, it is also the only way to lead a good examination of feces out. By some excrement in a drop of water to do the old wives tales that you could get a good impression of the pigeon droppings and then under a microscope to look at this is complete bullshit. Only heavy infections, no, so to make are very serious infections. It is by this time no longer to make a feces examination in such a way. In my point of view that comes on it, that they send the farmers into the forest.

We keep a range of 0-4 plus in the assessment of the degree of infection of the faeces with coccidia. To do this, we give only 2 plus the Council to do something about the Coccidiosis. Coccidia are very difficult to ever not to kill. It is an illusion to believe to get it permanently with medicines.
Often enough we the a breeder see a cure with around 3 weeks later again to face a similar infection. The cause is usually that the breeder has failed to burn the beat out during or after the treatment. I hear quite often proudly telling the breeders me it the blow also with Dettol or another means of disinfection have disinfected. In itself it is not wrong to disinfect the beat well, but when it's done to worms and you can forget that gefühlig to get rid of coccidia. Worms and Coccidial do nothing from disinfectant itself. Since only the burner helps.
You can't expect also sure countless coccidia can keep up on the roofs where pigeons often sit, or other places where the birds are. Even with the treatment, we see a decline in the effectiveness of many remedies against Coccidiosis. Not that this overly dramatic forms as is often assumed already in the treatment of the yellow knob, but nevertheless we recommend now to handle longer than in the past. If we recommend to give Baycox, we recommend the following: a two-plus-infection in two days, three plus infection three days and one a four plus infection four days. Where we if the letter 'R' in the month will extend the treatment with one or two days to be sure.
During the season we recommend no Baycox because we strongly feel that's too much negative influence on the form.
A possible alternative is formed there in the form of Usneano plus. A German breeder has tested it for us in a very severe infection of Coccidiosis. After a diet of over a week he dropped the feces for control what to our astonishment absolutely no coccidia were finding more. The more reason so to this research in the coming time to repeat. In itself, it would be nice if a supportive means able would be strongly back to push the yellow button as well as Coccidiosis. But you need to be able to talk of spring more swallows.

The bully bacterium

The other day I had to laugh with a fancier when he spoke of the "Bully"bacteria. I immediately knew what he meant. Some time ago I made a message by a bacterium identified by us we put in context with a bad form of pigeons. This bacterium that is (in hindsight) very easy to make, not pathogenic is but very uncomfortable if the group is infected in principle for the pigeons. We saw regularly beats that played poorly and lost birds that were infected with this germ in large measure last year. We make a difference of 0 plus-10 in the presence of this organism plus, where we assume the form of pigeons the low infection levels not too negative rational. However, we saw pigeons, where breeders had lost most of their experienced pigeons on Barcelona and other competitions, which were massively infected with this bacteria. Breeders who had played well and had suffered no or hardly any losses, the pigeons apparently not Jersey the bacterium with him. But also young pigeons and program pigeons were lost when this germ in large measure was present. In almost all cases, this problem was helped with a thorough treatment against these bacteria. I stress here that the pigeons were usually no symptoms if they carried the seeds to. In this sense, this bacterium is actually only an annoying bully. Thus, I took the name of bully bacteria of this breeder of this bacterium gave actually quite appropriately.
For the time being we have only two funds that are sufficiently effective against these bacteria. From experience, we know now that long enough and sufficiently high must be dispensed to this germ on to clear. What we hear from many breeders is that while the pigeons the resort seem vivid and get better in the spring. Considering that this bacterium poorly responds to medication is so very important that the treatment long enough is made. In the winter months has proved that even a two-week course of treatment was inadequate when the pigeons were not enough drinking. A cure of at least 8 days is necessary these bacteria to RID, at least if the doves drink enough. They do not, a treatment of the feed is preferred.
Many readers will wonder how this bacterium name correctly. Me too. I have to taken with a German University, contact in cooperation with a German colleague, who has also perceived these bacteria so the (un) debt continue to be able to set this bacterium.
It is provisional only a bully bacterium that seems to destroy the shape of pigeons and makes it harder them home to come, without that she seems to be really pathogenic. Fortunately, this problem is easy to solve if properly addressed it and the pigeon fanciers can enjoy a spa by pigeons who know how to find their way home to again. And because it focuses primarily.

Good luck

Peter Boskamp

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