Products of the week…

After the trip is before the trip, because the prices for the coming season are set in autumn. The moult is now in full swing and the lofts are full of down and flight feathers from the pigeons. Only with an optimal moult of the pigeon can it achieve top performances the following year.

With KLAUS products you are on the safe side.

Tricom® Moulting Aid -liquid- has important components that the organism needs during the main moult. The high demand for amino acids, especially those containing sulfur, is covered by methionine. In addition, Tricom Mauserhilfe liquid contains a high proportion of available calcium. The numerous vitamins it contains support a balanced moult.

Feeding Note:
During the entire moult, 20 ml (approx. 2 tablespoons) daily in 2 liters of drinking water or tied to 1 kg of feed.
Drinking water should be changed every 12 hours and the potions is to clean thoroughly!

Buy KLAUS products here…(click)

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