With BEYERS in the national top !!!

A total of 10,912 pigeons (4,827 old birds and 6,085 yearlings) were basketed for the national long-distance race from SOUILLAC.
Due to poor weather conditions on the way home on Saturday, the release was delayed until Sunday.

Karlo Van Rompaey (St. Truiden) became national winner Belgium in the category "old birds" and in the category "yearlings"!!

his pigeons "TRIPLE PORSCHE" (BE22-4151087) and "QUATTRO PORSCHE" (BE21-4153426) were clocked at 15:42:12 and 15:42:17 on Sunday after a flight of 715 km and achieved an average speed of 1,500. 04 m/min and 1,499.78 m/min. Only a few seconds later at 15:42:20 "067/22" was registered and took second place nationally from SOUILLAC against 6,085 yearlings.

Karlo had the 3 fastest pigeons out of 10,912 pigeons!!

In this flying season, Karlo has already won 4 national long-distance races in Belgium (AURILLAC, LIBOURNE & SOUILLAC).

Fantastic results!!


You can find more about BEYERS here...(click)

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