Top results weekend 08./09. July 2023…

Here are the top results from the weekend of 08./09. July 2023…

Faber, Roland & Denis – Hamburg

02.07.2023 Strasburg (240 km) RegV. group 1,071 pigeons

9-10-15-18-24-26-27-29-36-46-46-50-52-53-65-88-88-90-92-96 etc. (43/53)

02.07.2023 Strasburg (240 km) RV 157 year olds

5-8-9-10-11-13-17-18-19-24 etc. (16/31)

08.07.2023 Pile (446 km) FG 1,548 Tauben

11-31-33-57-59-60-61-62-64-65-66-66-69-69-72-102-104-132-135 etc. (36/52)

08.07.2023 Pillar (446 km) RV 139 Jährige

3-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-13-21-23 etc. (18/30)

SG L.+ A. Gieseking

08.07.2023 flight from Überherrn 311 km RV: 31 breeders 830 pigeons:

6., 13., 28., 80., 81., 103., 104……….

Reg.V.: 78 breeders 1968 pigeons:

20., 48., 121., 300., 305., 363., 366……

Horst Standke, Mettmann

007/08/2013 flight from Wertheim 245 km 843 pigeons

1., 10., 25., 78., 79., 179, 277…(11/7)

Hagedorn/Becker/Schwick, RV Lüdinghausen

08.07.23 from key field (314 km) against 782 pigeons in the RV and 2,692 in the RegV

1.,16.,32.,45a.,45b.,…(RV) (52/17)


Sabrina Brugmans, Halen

08-07-2023 Melun 307 km Verbond 951 young pigeons

2​-5​-9​-15​-20​-38​-43​-45​-63​-64​-71​-98​-105​-123​-135​-159​-169​-174​-177​-209​-226​-261​-271​-310​-311 (25/25)

08-07-2023 Momignies 121 km Club 525 youngsters

4​-5​-6​-16​-29​-39​-42​-53​-54​-62​-89​-108​-115​-123​-124​-170 (16/23)

08-07-2023 Nanteuil 261 km Association 396 years

12​-18​-19​-37​-55​-58​-67​-77 (8/9)

1​-3​-7​-8​-9​-11​-17​-19​-22​-23​-29​-32​-33​-41​-47​-48​-59​-62​-87​-89​-92​-94​-108​-110​-111​-138​-140​-143​-159​-165​-184​-213​-249​-254 (34/41)

08-07-2023 Vierzon 501 km Sectoral 3452 Alttauben

139​-167​-1126​-1134 (4/6)

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