1. National Bergerac 2022 – A.P. Overwater…

In the Netherlands there are two "GRAND PRIX" races in each category: marathon, middle distance, heavy middle distance and youngsters. Three of them are also national flights: ST. VINCENT (17/06), ISSOUDUN (23/07) and BERGERAC (29/07). The first "GRAND PRIX" flight from ST. VINCENT has been relocated to BERGERAC (LIBOURNE) due to the expected high temperatures last Friday (release) and Saturday.

AP Overwater (Strijen) became National Winner Netherlands.

12,023 pigeons were basketed on Tuesday and released on Friday at 7.15am. your pigeon „DE TURBO HUNTER“ (NL19-1629848) was recorded on Friday at 19:26:10 after a flight of 853 km with an average speed of 1167.866 m/min.

52m/min ahead Jelle Jellema, who won the 2nd National over 979 km. It was a tough race with very hot weather (+30°C) and partial headwinds and then a light tailwind.

A fantastic result! Congratulations!!

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