With the ENZYMIX MODERN SYSTEM mixtures offers BEYERS a unique range of blends to which enzymes have been added. These enzymes are 100% natural and completely tasteless and odorless. The enzymes are only activated after the feed has been ingested by the conditions in the crop and ensure that the cell walls of the grains are broken down more quickly. As a result, the pigeons absorb the nutrients better and faster. This has three advantages: The pigeon noticeably gets more energy from the feed. The digestibility
of protein and raw cellulose is noticeably higher than with the traditional mixtures. Better digestion leads to visibly less and drier droppings.
MODERN SYSTEM is based on three principles: high quality grain, added liquid enzymes and ease of use.
It all does MODERN SYSTEM an ideal system for modern pigeon sport, in which the strain on the pigeons is becoming more and more intense. The pigeons are used over longer distances, more frequently and have shorter rest periods. The names of ENZYMIX MODERN SYSTEM mixtures indicate what they were designed for. In order: rearing, recovery, building, energy, purging, diet and seeds.

You can read more about the BEYERS feed mixtures here…(click)

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