Still for the old pigeon trip in 2024 – TIPES club tee for the deployment site…

typhoid clubabschlag.gif

Now also NEW for the old TIPES TBB100 V5.04 operating devices

Club discount is available for 220 euros including an adapter (TBB100 compatible with radio clock connection) and the license for the first year. Please send your order, stating the regional association number and the RV number, to the email address


* TYPES MC1100 or TYPES MC2100 with Version 2.0, TBB100 V5.04
- If the activation does not exist, we need the serial number of the device for the activation code.
– If the device does not have version 2.0 (or higher), it must be sent in for an update.
* TIPES Club discount software and TIPES Club tee adapter
* Computer from Windows 7
* Internet connection
* Current management software (new default of the W file). TIPES WinElTaV you need the 32-bit version.

TYPES Clubabschlag
Version 1.0.7

Download SetupClubAbschlag_107.exe
Club tee V1.0.7
(14,5 MB Stand: 24.05.2019)


Version 1.0.7

– Adjustment of communication between WinElTaV and Clubababung

Version 1.0.6

– Adaptation of new adapters for operating device TBB100 V5.04. In conjunction with TBB100, the radio clock is also required.

Version 1.0.5

– Adjustment of monthly change

Version 1.0.4

– Adjustment of timeout when printing out the deployment list
– Bug fix

Version 1.0.3

– Change: Printout of the deployment list
– Change: Start without internet connection
– New: Selection of storage location

Version 1.0.2

– Adjustment of license data

More information on tipeslogo you can find products here…(click)

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