Emil Schwick: The German miracle boy!

1.Nationale championship years in 2016

1.Jungtaubenmeisterschaft Regionalverband 409 in 2017

schwick 2018

Emil Schwick - the German boy wonder


The travel 2016 d i e Racing season par for Emil Schwick! The season, which earned after much trembling, anxiety and hope the title of the first German Association-year-old master him at the end (15 prices with 1424.90 As-points) and the 45-year-old sports fan from northern churches a true wave of euphoria and sympathy brought. The international press headlined it as "the German miracle boy". Only his successes were not developed on the basis of a miracle but on the basis of the extraordinary success is first class pigeons material.

An unforgettable experience was for him, his wife Simone and the numerous terraces friends and breeders also the festive ceremony during the German carrier pigeon exhibition in Dortmund with the presentation of the black, red and gold sash by the association's president and the final playing of the national anthem.

Hardly anyone outside the small, südmünsterländischen community had before when it was the name of Emil Schwick on his list to the possible awarding of major titles and national championships. But Emil Schwick let all the "big" of the local pigeon sport behind, although the "championship grapes" hung very high and who will have the edge in this sporting environment, to weekend must prove for the weekend new – on-hard South-East direction with the final flight from catfish (625 km).

Of course there was serious evidence of the breeding potential and athletic skill of the sport friend who was justly known as the "whiz kid" par excellence, after he had previously repeated in the RV "Germania" Werne win various championships and 1st prizes over the years. In the former rd. 700-member regional association 412 "lip-Ruhr" led the way onto the podium often only through the sympathetic Nordkirchener breeders. So was able to travel in the years 2012 and 2013 to be won in each case with the RV lead Alttiermeisterschaft.


Pigeon sport since childhood

Brieftaubenzüchter ist Emil Schwick von Kindesbeinen an. Nicht nur sein Vater sondern auch seine beiden Onkel spielten in den frühen 1970-er Jahren mit guten Erfolgen auf dem Süd-Osten (Endflug Bruck, 725 km). Dass der Tauben begeisterte Steppke letztlich ebenfalls ein Züchter durch und durch wurde, verwundert in der Rückschau deshalb nicht.

Richtig Fahrt auf nahm der Brieftaubensport im Hause Schwick allerdings erst nach dem Erwerb des Einfamilienhauses, nur wenige Straßen vom Elternhaus entfernt, wo zuvor die Tauben vom Dachboden aus gespielt worden waren. Rechtzeitig im späten Frühjahr 2010 waren die Fundamente gesetzt, so dass der erworbene Gartenschlag mit Hilfe der vielen Freunde errichtet werden konnte. Zwei Jungtierabteile für rd. 65 Tauben, ein Witwerschlag mit zwei Abteilen für 24 Vögel, ein Weibchenschlag (ebenfalls 24 Weibchen) sowie ein Zuchtschlag für 13 Paare mit vorgebauten Volieren bilden den bis heute überschaubaren Rahmen.

Due to the well-advanced season only one round of operational youngsters, which was supplemented by an illustrious group of other animals of its two long-time friends Frank Hagedorn and René Becker was in the year. Right away the first RV juvenile championship was won - a clear indication that method and impact environment have been positive. With the bird 0641-10-698 (including 5/5 price and the second-best RV-young) also sat the future As between the lively young flock of pigeons, which should also soar in the years 2012 to 2014 remarkable achievements at all levels ,

blow partner

During this time, a blow partnership with Pawel Grondai was: Garant and focal point for the spectacular rise since the new beginning in 2010. pigeons were always been the focus of long-time friends. That was already the case when the two played football together. To the training evenings Although football was the focus, yet remained (especially in the "warm-up") enough time on the exchange with each other or other exciting "Pigeons on".

"Pawel was (and is) a" positive pigeon-madman "who approaches all things with precision and consistency," says Emil Schwick respectfully about his – now former – Partner. After the 2015 season went their separate ways, and since then the 45-year-old organized the things of pigeons everyday life completely in-house. If it still is even close in time, Wife Simone jumps, which are now familiar with all the details and details. No wonder - she is employed by the local "Mill Rath" and therefore know very well to current developments in the pigeon food sector.

Guarantee of success - The breeding base

Emil Schwick is an exceptional breeding base - in addition to the top health - an essential criterion for any success on the trip. That was as if he was still playing from the attic of the home his parents' house and was pleased with the achievements of his "Robin" 0641-06-769: As a young bird this Ace won the first RegV bankruptcy on Gerolzhofen (276 km) vs. 14,111 pigeons and biennial succeeded next 10 prices of the first RegV bankruptcy in Passau (543 km) vs. 11,183 pigeons.

schwick robin


"To this day I regret that I separated as part of the relocation of this exceptional fliers," Emil Schwick look back with some nostalgia. However, he has kept his mother B 04/930 (from "The Euro", Orig Heremans-Ceusters.) and Father B 05-6449947 (from: B 00/732, Brother “Super 799” x W 02/204 daughter “The 426 ", Orig. Heremans-Ceusters) Especially This breeding Ace hat contributed in recent years to the fact that it was unstoppable for the Nordkirchener sports fan to the top:

Schwick B05_947_Vater_Robin_2017

Schwick B04_930_mutter_Robin_2017

* son 0641-06-769 „Robin” (2006: 1. RegV price Gerolzhofen (276 km) vs. 14,111 pigeons; 2008:. 10 $ u 1 RegV price Passau (545 km) vs. 11,183 pigeons);

* son 0641-08-366 is father to females 0641-13-880 (2014: 12 awards; 2015: 7/7 Price; 2016: 12 awards; 2017; beaten before traveling from the Cross);

* Son 0641-11-319 (2014: 11 prices);

* Daughter 0641-11-300 (2011: second-best RV Squab);

* Son 0641-10-68 is the father of the female 0641-12-707 (2014: 10 prices and 1 x 1st prize.) And 0641-15-505 "Miss Germany 505" (2016: 9 awards, including 9 RegV- Price. vs. 6,141 pigeons and 12 RegV price vs. 5,011 pigeons – . Miterringerin the first German Association-year-old championship in 2016) and for 0641-15-506 "" Mister Germany 506 "(2016: 5th, 7th, 7th and 13th RegV price vs. +/- 5,700 pigeons 1 . FG bankruptcy vs. 2,020 pigeons; Miterringer the first German Association-year-old championship in 2016);

* daughter 0641-11-600 is a mother 0641-15-519 „Miss Germany 519″ (2016: 1. RegV bankruptcy v 6,141 pigeons and 8th RegV Bankruptcy vs. 6,619 pigeons; Miterringerin the first German Association-year-old championship.);

* son 0641-16-1114 (Currently 2017: 1. RegV price vs. 10,977 pigeons and fourth RegV price vs. 6,663 pigeons).

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Who has such a breeding Ace sit on his shock, do yourself truly lucky! It is also interesting that the trunk Bird B 05/6449947 with a variety of females spawned successful offspring, who proves in the grandchildren and great-grandchildren generation.

The "Super Star 698"

It should not be forgotten, another exceptional athlete: The 06134-10-698 "Superstar 698" belonged during his time on the trip beat the best. In 2011, the "Super Star 698" at ten operations was 9 times successfully. In 2012, he flew 11.11 Price (RV-prime bird) and 2013 again 13/13 (RV-prime bird). From 2010 to 2012 won "Superstar 698" at 39 inserts 38 Prices (u. A. 2nd, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, etc. bankruptcy).

His father is the Heremans-Ceusters Bird B 02-6113273 (from "The 166" B 99-6061166 x 00-6094230 B, Sister "De 148"). The "698" nut comes from the NL 07-1826298 (Orig. Kees Bosua) – Daughter of perhaps the best-Bosua breeding pair: Your father is a "Time Out" NL 04-2062002, the 2004 u. a. 1. Ace Pigeon NPO was young pigeons; her mother is "Kerkduifje" NL 03-5301440 that the first bankruptcy (nat.) Le Mans vs +/- 120,000 (!) won pigeons. In the total auction "Kerkduifje" brought € 72,000 (most expensive pigeon!) And "Time Out" € 36,000 (fourth-most expensive pigeon).

schwick 06134-10-698

The Super season 2016

Kommen wir nun zu dem Ereignis, das das brieftaubensportliche Leben von Emil Schwick ziemlich veränderte. Zu Saisonbeginn blieben viele Fragezeichen: Vor allem das schwierige Reisejahr 2015, als aufgrund der Erkrankung des Alttaubenbestandes nach der Hälfte der Wettflüge das Reisen eingestellt werden musste, hatte deutliche Spuren hinterlassen. Hinzu kamen die Auflösung der langjährigen Schlaggemeinschaft mit seinem Freund Pawel Grondai sowie der vollzogene Wechsel in einen neuen Regionalverband.

The racing season began as usual. After the widower had raised in the spring of the first round of the pups from the breeding loft, the couple have been separated to be mated again accordingly, so that could be converted to the second pre-tour on widowhood. 45 pigeons were on the first flight price in the basket – all played after the total widowhood; in the final race it was finally 17 pigeons that went to the start.


"I have never given a thought in mind that it would be enough for the 1st German olds Association champion," says Emil Schwick reminiscent of the nerve-wracking ups and downs in these summer weeks.

But his troops did not disappoint. Above all, the siblings "505" and "506". "There was no way around this pigeon over," said Emil Schwick, the unquestionable benefit was that mainly the females presented extremely strong. The "507" and "519" were running in top form; The consistently good weather and the magnificent form did the rest that year pigeons lay down a barely thought possible final sprint.

The successful breeding principle

  • 0641-15-505 W. - "Miss Germany 505" (2016: 9 awards, including 9 RegV price vs. 6,141 pigeons and 12 RegV price vs. 5,011 pigeons) and 0641-15-506 V. - " Mister Germany 506 "(2016: 5th, 7th, 7th and 13th RegV price vs. +/- 5.700 pigeons; the first FG Price vs. 2,020 pigeons).

Schwick 0641-15-505_neu

Schwick 0641-15-506_neu


The siblings 0641-15-505 and 0641-15-506 has contributed its special part of the title. Both pigeons are from the mating 0641-10-68, brother "Robin" (from. Kin bird B 05-6449947 x daughter 04-6470930 B, "the euro", Orig Heremans-Ceusters) in combination with the 06134-12- 996 (from son "Little Blue" x 02884-06-967 - daughter "Wonder van Haacht" x "Euro Star 1000", Orig Frank Sander.).

  • 0641-15-507 W. - "Miss Germany 507" (2016: 23 RegV price vs. 6,141 pigeons and 10 RegV price vs. 5,011 pigeons).

schwick 507

The 0641-15-507 "Miss Germany 507" has paired as a father to 06134-13-683 (inbreeding "Little Blue") (on the female 0641-14-279 from: ordinary bird B 05-6449947 x daughter "Superstar 698" ).

  • 0641-15-519 W. – „Miss Germany 519″ (2016: 1st Prize RegV v 6,141 pigeons and 8th RegV price vs. 6,619 pigeons.).

schwick 519

The 0641-15-519 "Miss Germany 519" has as father the 02114-14-4646 (son 02114-13-3008, Olympian Budapest 2015, Orig. Martin Stiens) (in conjunction with the 0641-11-600 from: ordinary bird B 05/6449947 x "Stiens 4684," breeding line "Olympics 003").

Exemplify this standard-bearer for the solid and now best practices on the breeding loft: B 05/947 and "698" are each mated normally and perfectly crossed and guarantee the further growth sons and / or daughters and grandsons / interior of the two parent birds above all: The ability to first prices and absolute top prices to high numbers pigeons!

Die (wenigen) Zuchtpaare haben aufgrund beengter Verhältnisse nicht viel Zeit, um ihre Vererberqualitäten unter Beweis zu stellen. Vertrauen genießen neben den beiden Stammvögeln B 05/947 und „698“ und ihren Söhnen und Töchtern die Heremans-Tauben (u. a. „Kleiner Blauer“, Tochter „Euro“, Bruder „Euro“, „B 426“, etc.) über Frank Hagedorn und René Becker ergänzt um Originale des Münsteraner Erfolgszüchters Frank Sander („Wonder van Haacht“, „Eurostar“). In jüngster Zeit sind ausgesuchte Heremans-Nachzuchttauben („De Power“, „Jan“, „Olympiade 003“) des befreundeten Top-Spielers und mehrfachen Olympiade-Teilnehmers Martin Stiens aus Oelde eingeführt worden.

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favored a largely "natural and natural care": carrots, tea and all sorts of greens from the garden are usually available the day after the aerial race on the feeding plan. In conjunction with a yearly free flight, the pigeons always present in an exemplary condition and excellent physical condition. The usual vaccination is carried out in time for the breeding and racing season.

Ultimately, the ongoing success confirms the unusual in parts Impact Management: breeding pigeons that fertilize or lay, Travel birds that are fit with four and five years ago and to fly to title to old age - all this is a proof that great care with the resource and the power animal "pigeon" is handled.

Achievements in 2016

(national Egood)

1.Deutscher Association-year-old master

(RegV 409 "Münsterland")

2.RegV Master of the Association

3.RegV- Master

1.RegV-As-bird of the Association

2.RegV-year-old master (internal)

1.RegV-year-old master

7.RegV Master (internal)

4.RegV Master youngsters

11-year-old prime RegV Ace Bird

1 x 1. RegV-Konkurs

(RV Lüdinghausen)


5.RV females champion

2.RV male champion

5.RV-year-old master


4.Zeitschrift "The pigeon"

6.- u. 7-bester RV-Altvogel

5th best RV females

9-year-old best RV females

1.Verbands-youngsters Master

2 x 1st prize

3 x 2nd prize

silver medal

Action Man Medal

Even in 2017 it was inexorably

There is no question that after the top season of the previous year, the expectations were high. Emil Schwick this meant no problem, because it is enough of a realist to the hype about his pigeons (and) assess properly. Before 1 Pre-flight of birds of prey already had the "880" (2014 and 2016 jeweils12 prices) beaten and even on the first flights it was not necessarily easy for the year pigeons.

Nevertheless, his pigeons have set many a highlight again in the past season. The first bronze and silver medal first highlight the repeatedly mentioned speed, which is now enshrined in the portfolio. There are also 3 x 1. RV Price (2 x 1 FG and 1 x 1 RegV) and countless top ten placements to high pigeon numbers.

Achievements in 2017

RV Lüdinghausen (80 members)





3.u. 8-year old female best

1.- 4.-, 8.-, 11.-, 12.- etc. beste Jungtauben

Bronze u. silver medal

Action Man Medal

3 x 1st prize


RegV 409 (about 500 members)

1.RegV Master (youngsters)

1.-, 3.-, 7.- u. 11th-best Jungtaube

1 x 1st prize



  1. RV-Champion of the Association
  2. Champion young pigeons


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That in each case a son of the tribe bird B 05/947 (2 x 1 RV u. 1 x 1 RegV Award) and the "Super Star 698" (u 1 x 1. RV. 1 x 2 RegV price) "were three times leading the field" overall, impressively confirms the path in the eyes of Emil Schwick.

As was already elsewhere we read: "And then there's a little more, and that's the feeling, about this young breeder has no doubt and that makes Emil Schwick to the German miracle boy."

No better way to say it !


schwick herbots intro

from 28 January 2018 to 08 February 2018 is running an extraordinary auction of Emil Schwick as Pigeon Bids Extra Edition auf www.herbots.be…(click)


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