Vanrobaeys on the Taubenmarkt fair in Kassel…

VANROBAEYS stands for innovation!

What could be better than the breeders from around the world the latest news and advances in Taubenmarkt Fair 2017 in Kassel imagine.

VANROBAEYS invites all visitors to the VANROBAEYS-Messestand one: Hall 1 Stand 77th

See spectacular new product development and cost them exclusively our new product “PIRIN” – a source of water for human and pigeon.

And you can win something!

Here's an insight into the Vanrobaeys Fair News:

  • Lady Mix is ​​a new premium blend females in a class.
  • The three Olympic mixtures exist only in 22kg Sacks and was added to a mixture, this mixture was co-developed by Günter Nies – the veteran in pigeon racing.
  • In Pirin there is a free tasting at our stand and there is something to win.
  • At the center of the two mixture Premium Power breeding no. 182 and Premium Power rearing no. 190 available.

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