Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon June 2017…

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Dear readers and readers,

in the June issue of Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon I start it is time for a serious issue. A serious issue? "Is there such at all with you?" Are now already the critics ask. Yes, absolutely, love sports friends and sports fans, but this time it is not the birds of prey. Although this is a very very serious issue. Where human intervention "helping", comes the nature out of balance. Countless very factual Attempts to curb the bird of prey Plage, have already been taken by competent sports fans. But the ignorance of competent public bodies and especially the politicians is considerable. If we belong to the army of millions of horse owners, that would be different. But I will stick to the facts here again. Back to the serious topic: pigeon racing the future! A sports friend southwestern Germany has under the title - and I quote "Vergang comprehensive know, understand the present, shaping the future - GeThank about the pigeon sport of the future - "send us a letter to the editor. I zitiere continues: "For years, discussed the Brieftau you about the imagebensports, the loss of members, the recruitment problems, the reorganization of the association, travel directions, flight distances and last but not least about the championship systems and the evaluation criteria of our As-pigeons. But what it really falls short because in our beloved hobby? "

Yes, dear readers, I answer this question raised by him in the last sentence question in almost every issue of TaubenMarkt / The sports pigeon on this page in my last sentence. But I want the observance priced and worthy of discussion not anticipate versions, by giving an answer. Because they would be the First my personal opinion, even though the majority of sports fans certainly as Delicate,det. And secondly, I and my team of Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon that the contents of this letter to the editor unaffected and unbiased will spread and will be discussed. Want Again and again I have stressed that to me the future of the pigeon sport is a labor of love. Since the Young Tour 1961 I travel with pigeons, never in a blow Community, the successes times and then another. This is also so go on, although I'm getting on in years (70). But again and again makes me question whether intransigence and inflexibility immutable characteristics of must be deaf sports organizations. Countless sports will not, therefore, no longer because their pigeons flying too little prices, but because they are no longer a constraint auslie at the present timewish away! I recommend the types of Sportfreundes Bühner to take note and place a discussion prey – of course, remain objective. The issue is serious but not hopeless!

In the short term a little more hopeful, however notices to give us in this newspaper, which provide the opportunity on the stage of Int. Taubenmarkt in Kassel to be honored before a large audience. Since the tender would be the VANROBAEYS Superstars 2017” with new conditions. Furthermore, the tender "TIPES letter pigeon market Championships 2017 ", The company MOTZ Computer GmbH has a sporty highlight in the pigeon sport, the "HDI letter pigeon market Championship "under a new flag taken as a sponsor. In the competitions all visitors to the internet portal can www.brieftaubenmarkt.de parttake as long as they are the Newsletter-recipient at letter deafmarkt.de have entered. The registration must be made no later than 01 July 2017 – also Terminsache!

Pigeon market Championships VANROBAEYS SUPERSTARS 2015

We wish them Hesuccess on the betting flights. for the Travel season of old birds is already around half or also down halfway around - as you want to see it. But everything Flights decisive move closer.

"Good flight 2017" and "freedom in pigeon racing!"

brühl hans 2016


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