Family Herbots – Studbook 2017…

To win is not everything, but the desire is all ...

... So to read in prison Catalogue 2017, the Herbots family!

"Always looking for Number 1" - always looking for the best so, the formula for success the family Herbots, which sees it as a commitment, is to do so also on service and support to their customers. Every day everything is done at Herbots, to find the best pigeons for customers from all over the world. If it is possible these are used also on the own breeding loft, to develop the beat and the travel services.

In the Herbots studbook 2017 they find the best and most expensive power dusting and National AS pigeons from all over Europe.


Here you can download the Herbots breeding Catalog 2017…(click)


herbots zucht 2017 intro


okt Herbots

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