Taubenmarkt / The racing pigeon in January 2017…

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Dear Readers, Sport and sport girlfriends

in this issue of pigeonsMarket / The racing pigeon we want as every year look good cheer in the future. The 2016 lies behind us and what the new year, 2017 brings us, of course we do not know. Therefore, what I mean by "look to the future" that we should not be pessimistic from the outset, just abwinken or similar.

As the editor of this newspaper, Irma Kreutzfeldt, most recently in the stated issue November 2016, it may be to the pigeon sport ordered not bad. This is not only to the attendance of Int. Taubenmarkt Kassel measured. Rather the mood among sports girlfriends and sports fans in general. And I think at this point here firmly: The mood is good! How do I know that? From my numerous contacts in the world of pigeon racing. Submissions and Telefongespräche, emails - it questions, suggestions, requests or suggestions.

A good atmosphere and a good climate are the alpha and omega of success. Good fellowship, camaraderie between the individual sports friends, acceptance of not particularly successful, but also between the Associations and travel associations and regional associations are a necessary element for the positive development of the pigeon sport.

If then the attention of the Association of German pigeon fanciers would be more focused on the concerns expressed by friends, then could finally and long overdue freedom in pigeon racing finding their way. I say this without any subtlety. As an example I consciously choose the 27th Int. Taubenmarkt in Kassel. Many visitors asked in the fair management or the state the Employees of the company BIW or me bypersonally afterwards, where because of Information to the Association German pigeon fancier or sale prior associationdeaf clinic befände. They wanted, for example, buy the address list of the Association. Once again we had to "fit". But perhaps this attitude will change in the future also. At this point, allow me to only the discrete note that an umbrella organization should comply with the wishes of its members.

Sportfreunde the association's management - with a few exceptions, we are all "by you" -Pigeons Kings just stop, we are in a new year and, therefore, again on a new beginning. Please keep already about it to have a presence in Kassel. For visitors to the Int. Taubenmarkt unless they made Germany come, are usually your members. It is likely be no secret that I myself for four years support the Golden Badge of Honour of the Association bin. And for us - the members - it is important to be where we want it! Only through this time of members decline, the decline in the number of traveling strokes, etc. can be overcome.

As you might imagine can I read, if only due to my job as Editor, not only the "Konkurrenzzeitungen "but also andere Veröffentlichungen, die keinen unmittelbaren Bezug zum Taubensport haben. Dabei stoße ich gelegentlich auf Texte, die mich nachdenklich machen. Einem Nichttaubenzüchter, doch ehemals ganz bekannten hohen Politiker, wird folgende Aussage zugeschrieben: “In unserer Welt wird mehr ausgegeben as occupied, written more than read, more spoken than imagined, more demanded than owed more whining than suffering, more barking than bitten! "Whether he really said, of course I do not know. Also playing is not so important. He is already dead. But the text content seems to me at least apply to parts on our world of pigeon racing. I think, every sports fan should now think a bit about whether he also - sometimes - something practiced in the way is criticized precisely in the statement. And then make for 2017, something in it to äncountries, for the better for themselves and the pigeon sport. Such that at the end of the gripe or more of them, or even all the criticism would be reversed. Would I find fantastic – for the pigeon sport and for ourselves. In this sense – a new in 2017!

brühl hans 2016

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