Vanrobaeys BREEDING EXCLUSIVE - results are amazing ...

The mixture must comply with all the requirements of "modern" carrier pigeon. But there is still much more to it. Take, for example Vanrobaeys BREEDING EXCLUSIVE. For many years, thought the pigeon fancier, that nothing would be easier than the rearing of young pigeons. A simple normal mixture add a handful of peas, and you have a breeding mixture. But what now turns out after so many years? That this protein feed is too one-sided to simply halt. Therefore Vanrobaeys has the peas replaced as protein source through other grains that have an even higher and higher quality protein content.


The result is amazing. In experiments on many stripes showed that reared with BREEDING EXCLUSIVE young guard were sold on the bull shock exactly three days earlier than the youngsters, who are satisfied with a "normal" mixture had.

Because youngsters are the future, the conclusion is very simple. Youngsters reared with BREEDING EXCLUSIVE, ensure in future for your triumphs. For top-level sport with pigeons still is, having seen ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to know.

In this way you too can enter the well-deserved success in the future.

Zucht Exclusiv


14.2% Cribbs mais yellow
11.5% Milo
8.7% peas Green
7.7% white Dari
6.6% paddy rice
6.4% wheat white
5.8% Maple peas
5.0% Kardy
4.6% toasted soy beans
4.4% peas yellow
4.0% hemp seed
3.7% oat kernels
3.0% Cribbs mais Bordeaux
2.5% vetches
2.3% linseed
1.7% millet yellow
1.6% sunflower, black
1.0% Cribbs mais yellow small
1.0% Brassica rapa
1.0% Canary seed
1.0% Katjang Idyoe (mung beans)
1.0% lenses
1.0% rape seed
0, 3% buckwheat

Nutritional values

14.4% crude protein
6.4% Rohfett
59.9% carbohydrates

More information about Vanrobaeys Logo pigeon market ONexpoMixtures they get here ... (click)



Vanrobaeys December 2016

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