Taubenmarkt / The racing pigeon in December 2016…

deaf marketable title dec 2016


Dear readers and readers,

with the presence of the December issue 2016 Taubenmarkt / The racing pigeon we are in the season of Advent. In a few days is Christmas, a time of contemplation and tranquility. So it should be, when the days are shortest and the nights are longest. Advent is a time to stop once and worrying to make, what is important and what you enjoy.

What exactly is, each must personally decide for themselves and set priorities. Not only make our hobby to the fore, but also consider the needs of family and friends and everything in Areconcile. Consider the month December from the perspective of the pigeon fancier, differences can not be more extreme. In the part of the breeder the pigeons are now kept quiet. The Mauser from Deckgefoliage fell since weeks already completed and the flight feathers are, with some exceptions, been completely renewed. The pigeons brag in their new spring dress and you can enjoy the sight of her. Now the time is used to make extensively thinking about the matings. Certainly a task that can not be done in a few hours, because there is still too many variants that should be considered. Depending on the itinerary and the particular system, the Pairing schedule set. One still has time.

Quite different is the situation in the other part of the breeder. Friends of the winter breeding have been bred at this time their pigeons and doves nest for some time. These Breeder enjoy on Christmas day at the sight of newly hatched youngsters. I, too, was for many years a friend of the winter breeding and knows that there is something special somehow if the little ones are for Christmas in the shell.

As there we in the last few yearsgen of raptors in our Region has become impossible to give our pigeons already in February or March free flight, I make no more winter breeding. Thus now I belong to the majority of breeders, has returned to their lofts for Christmas peace. If the weather and the Temallow temperatures, I sit straight in the quiet season on a chair in front of the aviary and watching the pigeons. Take this day in all weathers like to complete and you can clearly see that they feel at home here and, above all, safe. I also turn off this and let my thoughts. How was the trip year, I have good and what made bad. I think in one way or another pigeon that not the flight to Hause has come. Unfortunately, a really good thing was the possibility this year, which I think often. Last year she was eleven and prices over 800 Ace points with 3712 kilometers Best year-old female of the RV. In the EndFlights from Creil 630 km it was still flying 12 Price in Regional Association. This year, they flew the first six flights of six inserts six early prices with a 1st, 5th, 12th, 30th, 36th, price. On the seventh flight was magnificent pigeon weather when the pigeons got very high - including ideales Wanderfalken- weather. This Bitch came this Flugtag no longer re the only ones. Sad as it is, we have to live, unfortunately. Vergessen I'm not as a dove. But it goes on. We motivatingren us all anew each year, in which we hope that by to this year traveled Jungtauben in the following year a emerges as Ace Pigeon. My thoughts deepen and I think about our hobby. How was it 50 years ago when I thus bebegan in comparison to today. But bring these thoughts anything if none of the timecan turn back? About one thing I am, however, aware: Our hobby was once just for me as fascinating as today.

Let us use to mention the holiday season, to listen, to go in us.

Only those who come to rest can see the wonders yet that gives us the nature.

I wish you and your companymilies a beautiful Advent and contemplative hours for Christmas.


My Guido Dienstbach


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