Category archives: Short messages

  • Super results from Germany, Belgium and Holland 30th-31st July 2016 ...

    Super results from Germany, Belgium and Holland 30th-31st July 2016 ...

    Kersting & Söhne, Attendorn 30.07.2016 Enns (620 km) RegV. 1.745 Alttauben 1-6-12-13-34 usw. (14/22) Lekscha, Hans, Velbert 30.07.2016 Enns (620 km) RG 423 Alttauben 1-2-3-7-11-12-13-16-18-20-34-35-42 usw. (23/34) Voraussichtlich 1. Deutscher Meister 2016 und 1. Ass-Weibchen von Deutschland (Stand 31.07.2016) Herbots Gebr. Jo & Raf – Halle Booienhoven (B)…

  • RACING 2017...

    RACING 2017…

    Our edition “RACING …” is a magnificent reference book, full color, in an unusually large format (35 x 25 cm) and created with a circulation of 35,000 copies. This book will be read and appreciated by both growers and buyers. Many participants are aware of the high value of this publication and have…

  • International NARBONNE 2016 - Update 3...

    NARBONNE International 2016 – Update 3…

    VORLÄUFIGES Ergebnis PROVISIONAL STANDINGS voorlopig KLASSEMENT -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ BRAM (24-07-16 CARCAS Alte-Oude-Old LOSTIJD / UNHOLD: 10.40 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- NR Nationaal Naam Gemeente afstand DG Bestat Snelheid NR NO National Name Location Finding Speed ​​Distanc JR NO ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- 402852-11 1 BECKER + J ZNN N-NIJVERDAL 1066084 2 09.0543 1140.5424 1 2 404055-50 Lissenberg JAY N-UTRECHT…

  • Super results from Germany, Belgium and Holland 16th-17th July 2016 ...

    Super results from Germany, Belgium and Holland 16th-17th July 2016 ...

    Brugmans Sabrina, Halen 16/07/2016 Sens (332 km) Union 321 Alte 1-3-6-34 (4/5Tb.) 16/07/2016 Gien (403 km) Verein 101 Jährige 6-7-30 (3/4Tb.) Berndt Kohagen RV Neubrandenburg 201 Name und Datum des Fluges Rheine 16.07.2016 Entfernung (in km) 416 km Anzahl der aufgelassenen Tauben (RV) 972 Tauben Anzahl der von…

  • Super results from Germany, Belgium and Holland 09.-10th July 2016 ...

    Super results from Germany, Belgium and Holland 09.-10th July 2016 ...

    Leo van Rijn, the Lyre (NL) Oudenaarde youngsters club: 1-4-7-11-12-16-19-21-etc. against 371 pigeons (60/22) Oudenaarde youngsters CC Westland: 1-17-77-etc. against 4.525 pigeons (60/22) Oudenaarde old pigeon club: 3-5-7-12-16-etc. against 124 pigeons (20/10) Oudenaarde old birds CC Westland: 9-23-37-48-69-87-etc. against 1.124 pigeons (20/10) Chateauroux club: 1-2-13 at 55…

  • International MARSEILLE 2016 - Update 3...

    International MARSEILLE 2016 – Update 3…

    International winner and National winner Belgium: Alain Dermonne from Froidchapelle The National winner Belgium from Marseille is Dermonne Alain from Froidchapelle. The pigeon was on Friday at 20:12:51 pm with an average speed of 983.12 m / min. stated after a flight of 794,212 km. National winner Germany: Lauer and sons from Althornbach The…

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