Muscles and training – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

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The Dove has mainly red muscle fibers. These have a small diameter and are very rich in Myoglobin (red muscle dye) and yet rich in mitochondria, where the aerobic energy production takes place (energy in the presence of oxygen). Red muscle fibres are excellent blood circulation, to energy efficiency is very cheap compared to the work done and the recovery period is shorter than for a living creature with predominantly white muscle fibers after a heavy load.

Muscles – Exercise performance – Oxygen demand
Already before the start of the season is achieved by intensive training, that the production of energy within the muscle fibers expires faster and more effectively. The pigeons should be taken therefore in good condition. A pigeon in very good condition has a high metabolism and can better provide the muscles with energy. A well trained muscles has a higher efficiency and thus a better exploitation of energy reserves.

Already in idle state, the Dove consumes about 5 times as much oxygen as the man. During the flight, the metabolism again to 10 times is increased. This makes it clear how important it is for the performance of the pigeon as quickly as possible to transport energy and oxygen from the blood to the muscle cells. The faster this process is, the more energy the Dove per time unit can burn and convert in flight performance.

The interaction of co-ordinated preparations Active iron, CMK, Carbo power therefore with security, brings a decisive competitive advantage.

brockamp dba 2015

Dr. Hans - Peter Brockamp
IPC sports products

Colonel breed 102
56154 Boppard

Phone: 49 2651 701 360
Fax: 49 2651 701 361



Brockamp May 2016_2

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