Again TOP results of Vanrobaeys customers…

On the last The national flight from Chateauroux took place in Belgium at the weekend. The actual travel season is now over in Belgium. Following Now actually only the “Natour” flights and a few short-haul flights (“Vitesse”), which was not used for the national championships become.

Also in this final flight the reference beats were able to change Vanrobaeys stand out outstandingly!

Inserted were: 2,850 Oude and 19,529 Jonge = Total: 22,379 pigeons


Steffan Lambrechts, Nijlen

3e – 11e – 23e – 24e – 25e – 36e – 46e – 47e – 49e ………….

Kris Cleirbaut, Putte


Bosmans-Leekens, Beverlo



West Flanders – 329 Old – 4,247 Young = Total: 4,576 Tauben

Gino Clique, Wevelgem

1e – 7e – 16e – 19e …..

Noel Verschoot, Ingelmunster



Antwerp – 525 Old – 4,450 Young = Total: 4,975 Tauben

Steffan Lambrechts, Nijlen

3e – 11e – 22e – 23e – 24e…..

Kris Cleirbaut, Putte

4e – 19e


Limburg – 504 Old – 1,718 Young = Total: 2,222 Tauben

Bosmans-Leekens, Beverlo


Verreckt-Rutten-Deplae, Tessenderlo


Info Hotline: Klaus Sax 0049 173 833 09 52


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