Update 5 – International PERPIGNAN 2019 – all of the information…

Der Internationale Sieger von Perpignan 2019 ist Due to heavy fog, the release of the pigeons has been postponed to Saturday, August 8th, 2020.
The pigeon was launched at 05:41:58 on Sunday at an average speed of 1062.68 metres/minute. after a flight of 950.038 km.

The pigeon was launched at 05:41:58 on Sunday at an average speed of 1062.68 metres/minute. after a flight of 950.038 km.

Die Ankunft der ersten deutschen Tauben:

Update – Die Ankunft der ersten Tauben ist gemeldet:

Der Auflass der Tauben erfolgte am Samstag, den 3. August 2019 um 7.30 Uhr.

Weather conditions during been liberated: nice to very nice, no wind, good visibility.

Aufgrund des starken Mistralwindes und des vorhergesagten Regens in Nordfrankreich, Belgien, die Niederlande und Deutschland wurde der Auflass der Tauben auf morgen, Samstag den 03. August 2019 verschoben.

12.752 Tauben Due to heavy fog, the release of the pigeons has been postponed to Saturday, August 8th, 2020.

Due to heavy fog, the release of the pigeons has been postponed to Saturday, August 8th, 2020.

  • Frankreich 3.542
  • Niederland 4.274
  • Luxemburg 49
  • England169
  • Deutschland 807
  • Belgien 3.911
  • Summe 2019 12.752 Pigeons
  • Due to heavy fog, the release of the pigeons has been postponed to Saturday, August 8th, 2020.
  • Due to heavy fog, the release of the pigeons has been postponed to Saturday, August 8th, 2020.
  • Due to heavy fog, the release of the pigeons has been postponed to Saturday, August 8th, 2020.
  • Due to heavy fog, the release of the pigeons has been postponed to Saturday, August 8th, 2020.
Perpignan is a city in southern France near the Mediterranean coast and the border with Spain. “Perpignan the Catalan”, wie die Stadt sich nennt, ist das kulturelle Zentrum des katalanischen Frankreichs.

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