NEW !!! ENDURANCE + of Vanrobaeys…

a perfectly balanced supplement feed …

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ENDURANCE + is a perfectly balanced supplement feed with important amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids with carefully selected ortho molecularen materials (nutrients) was enriched to stimulate the pigeons. This leads to a strong muscles and an optimal motivation. Moreover, it leads to a faster recovery and a number of scientific studies show that works optimally, the use of essential Fütterungsmetabolismen for our racing pigeons. It is extremely important to provide daily all necessary additives to the organism.

ENDURANCE + has all of these qualities.

APPLICATION: Daily 20 g (2 scoops) per kg grain feed (previously 'Hyp 100' with oil, or 'BronchoStar' moisten). ENDURANCE + is an excellent starting point for the management of our food.

INFO-HOTLINE: 0173 833 09 52

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