Mallorca Derby – It is nearly time – Finale 2018…

mallorca 2018

Excitement mounts as the 2018 Mallorca Derby final draws near. On Saturday, October 6th, the derby pigeons will start their final flight. Until then, there are still two prize flights to be completed and of course we hope that these flights will be successful and that the final can be contested with a high number of pigeons.

We would like to inform all participants who will follow the final flight live with us on Mallorca today some details about the procedure. Most breeders will probably be familiar with the procedure from previous years, but we would like to give some information to participants who are attending for the first time.

At the breeder's hotel "Riu Concordia" (address: Cami Las Maravilles, Playa de Palma), coaches will be available from 10:00 a.m. to take us to the finca. As in previous years, the fare is €10.00 per person for a return trip. Please register with us by email at or by calling Michael Schulz +49 175 207 979 3 or Martin Tamsel +49 163 889 346 1. Please also register passengers so that we receive exact numbers.

A note for sports fans who are not staying at the Riu Concordia. If you want to walk to the departure point, walk along the promenade to the location of the horse-drawn carriages. There you go up the path and after about 200 m you reach the hotel. The former discotheque “Riu Palace” and the well-known Ham Street are in the vicinity of the hotel.

At the finca we are welcomed by Media, Bernardo, and her family. They will do their best to make sure that we all have a pleasant day. Of course in connection with a hopefully interesting and exciting final flight.

In addition to Spanish ham, it will be possible to grill freshly as in previous years. Freshly tapped German beer will be available as well as, of course, non-alcoholic drinks.

As we were informed by Mallorca, the contribution to expenses on the finca per guest this year is €25.00. Passengers on the bus pay the amount when boarding the bus. This covers all expenses on the finca for the day.

The plan is to offer the popular tapping of the pigeons before they arrive. On site, each participant can bet €20.00 per pigeon on their favorites. In good time before the arrival of the pigeons, third parties can also bet on other pigeons that have not yet been activated. The distribution of profits takes place on the finca directly after the award ceremony of the final flight as follows:

  1. activated pigeon in the list = 40% of the bet money
  2. activated pigeon in the list = 30% of the bet money
  3. activated pigeon in the list = 20% of the bet money
  4. activated pigeon in the list = 10% of the bet money
  5. activated pigeon in the list = 10% of the bet money

After the end of the event, the waiting buses will take you back towards Playa de Palma.

Of course, we hope for numerous participants, teams and guests who will spend some nice hours with us in a convivial atmosphere.

See you in Mallorca.


Team Mallorca Derby

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