Eckhard & Thorsten Schröter – The racer from the ground…

schröter 2018

Impact Community Eckhard (66 years) and Thorsten (45 years) Schröter, playing in the Regional Association 402 Dortmund and the surrounding area, located in the RV Dortmund Marten 2000. The impact community exists since 2000, previously under the name Schröter + Son with the Father or grandfather Werner Schroeter played.
Also Brieftaubensport in der dritten Generation seit gut 50 Jahren. Anfänglich (70er und 80er) wurde in der ortsansässigen RV Union Castrop Rauxel Brieftauben gespielt und hier war das Geldspiel das Salz in der Suppe im Brieftaubensport. Von 1989 bis bis zum Tod von Werner Schröter im Jahr 1999 hat man sich dann der Konkurrenz in der RV Herne 1900 gestellt. Hier wurden zum Anfang der Reisesaison ca. 9000 Tauben gesetzt auf die über 30.000 D-Mark gewettet wurden!!!
In 2000 they came up with Heinrich Renz in contact with the exchanging ideas still hard about pigeons, who is always with words and deeds, the impact Community to national titles (pigeon championship winner with youngsters in 2002, 16th national year-old champion in 2003, the second Association champion of the magazine "the pigeon" in 2014, 21 RV Association champion, accompanied at the federal level).
Heinrich Renz, it is also who has still great influence on the practice of supplying the blow Community. An important aspect in the pigeon sport is or should be to be the pigeons in detail just. A lump-sum consideration and a flat ill supply what many breeders of racing pigeons stop them is to achieve successful trip results.
schröter atletico
schröter miss hemau

Achievements in 2017

Adult pigeons
2. RV Short Distance Championship
2.RV Generalmeisterschaft
2.RV year-old championship
4.RV Weibchemeisterschaft
4.RV Championship
4.RV-Cup Meisterschaft
4.RV – VB-year-old championship
4.RV – Championship "The pigeon"
4.RV Clinic Cup
1ST RV – VB youngsters Championship
The best flights
RV – 13.05. Rottendorf (274km) from 35 breeders and 805
pigeons 52/32 – 1, 2, 3, 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 46…
RV – 27.05. Hermau (420km) from 30 breeders and 697
pigeons 47/22 – 1, 3, 5, 25, 27, 26…
RV years – 27.05. Hermau (420km) from 29 breeders
and 419 pigeons 34/17 – 1, 2, 12, 13, 21, 27….

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