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C-T-P Carnitin Power

Composition / Ingredients:

Collagen hydrolyzate (pig), magnesium gluconate, dextrose, sodium chloride, calcium chloride
Analytical constituents and levels / content / Content ::
Rohprotein/raw protein:5,9%, Rohfett/raw fat: 1%, Rohfaser/raw fibre: 1%, Rohasche/raw ashes: 1%, Calcium 0,2%, Natrium 0,2%
Additives per 1 liter: (Nutritional additives)
Gehalte aan torgevoegte stoffen: Additives content per 1 litre:
Vit. B1 als Thiaminhydrochlorid-Reinsubst. 500 mg
Vit. B2 as riboflavin preparation 750 mg
Vit. B6 als Pyridoxinhydrochlorid 500 mg
Vit. B12 Vitamin B12 - 4800 mcg preparation
Nicotinsäureamid-Reinsubstanz 3800 mg
Biotin als D-Biotin-Reinsubstanz 12000 mcg
Pantothenic acid as D-panthenol preparation 1200 mg
Choline-chloride 3000 mg
Tryptophan 600 mg
L-Carnitin 52000 mg
Preserved with EC additives. Moisture content: 90% water


Iodine-iron complex with the iodine factor of 20. It serves the additional supply of trace elements, particularly iodine and iron. Jodoferrol suitable for stimulation of the metabolism, increased performance and improve oxygen uptake. After the flight, it makes for a fast recovery of the pigeons and prevents dehydration and trace element deficiency.

Composition / Ingredients:

Content of additives per 1000ml
Compounds of trace elements:
(E1) of iron (Fe) as ferric chloride 1000.0 mg
(E2) iodine (I) as potassium iodide 1000.0 mg
(E5) Mangan (Mn) als Manganchlorid 91,2 mg
(E6) Zink (Zn) ALS Zinkacetat 89.4 mg
(E4) of copper (Cu) and copper acetate 47.7 mg

Sugar, sodium chloride
Analysis: crude protein 1%, crude fiber 1%, 1% crude fat, crude ash 1.5%, sodium 0.3%
Moisture content: 95%


PICORIN -Immunglobuline of chickens and cows are good and help our pigeons to stay healthy, especially if an immune defect.

Composition / Ingredients:

Yeast, dicalcium phosphate, seaweed meal, bee pollen, calcium carbonate, lactose powder, collagen from pigs

Analytical constituents / contents:
Crude protein 26%, crude fiber 2.3%, crude fat 3.5%, ash 30%, 5% lysine, methionine 3.2%, 8% calcium, 0.65% sodium, 4.5% phosphorus


SilberPfeil® - Travel 1 is a water soluble, high-quality PROTEIN CONCENTRATE to improve the protein supply after the flight. Short-chain proteins, e.g. activated, placed in an easily digestible form of animal proteins, with a share of 55% critical ingredient of this preparation. Methionine, minerals, trace elements and vitamins support the protein metabolism and are therefore an indispensable component of this product.

Composition / Ingredients:

Collagen hydrolyzate of swine, whey protein, yeast extract, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, lactose powder, dextrose, magnesium sulfate
Analytical constituents / levels /:
Crude protein 53%, crude fiber 1%, 1% crude fat, crude ash 16.5%, sodium 2%, phosphorus 2.2%, methionine 5.5%, lysine 2.5%
Additives per kg
Compounds of trace elements
(E1) Eisen (¯elazo) /Fe (als Eisen-(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat 1.250 mg, (E5) Mangan / Mn (als Mangan-(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat 975 mg, (E6) Zink (Cynk) /Zn (als Zink-(II)-sulfat, Monohydrat 728 mg, (E4) Kupfer (mied??)/Cu [als Kupfer-(II)-acetat, Monohydrat] 127 mg, (E2) Jod (J) als Kaliumjodid 38 mg, (E3) Kobalt / Co (als Kobalt-(II)-sulfat, Heptahydrat 10 mg.
Vitamins, pro-vitamins and chemically definerte substances having similar effect:
(E672) A 667.000 I.E., (E671) D3 15.000 I.E., E 400 mg als a-Tocopherolacetat


SilberPfeil® - Travel 2 is the combination preparation to travel 1.Es is administered on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Travel 2 contains water-soluble, animal proteins, and the essential amino acids lysine and methionine. In the product, also vitamins of the B complex contained except potassium, phosphorus and iodine. 1 travel and travel 2 are together used as a method of travel.

Composition / Ingredients:

water-soluble protein concentrate
Premix for racing pigeons
Vormischungsgruppen: vitamins (B complex), trace elements, amino acids
Collagen pork, dextrose
Additives per kg:
Vitamins, pro-vitamins and chemically defined substances with similar effects:
Vitamin B and thiamine 333 mg
Vitamin B2 as riboflavin 5-phosphate sodium 500 mg
Nicotinsäureamid (Vit. B3) 3600 mg
Calcium-d-Pantothenat (Vit. B5) 1667 mg
Vitamin B6 als Pyridoxinhydrochlorid 333 mg
Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 supplement 3333 mcg
Vitamin E as vitamin E preparation 333 mg
Vitamin K3 as menadione sodium bisulfite preparation 333 mg
Compounds of trace elements:
(E2) of iodine as potassium iodide 2550 mg
Amino acids: DL-methionine 35500 mg,
L-lysine L-Lysine monohydrochloride 31000 mg
Binders, anti-caking u. Coagulants:
E 551a silica like u. dried
Konservierende Stoffe: E 200 Sorbinsäure 1000 mg,
E 332 Tri-Kaliumcitrat 17153 mg


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