2017 National Bourges…

The two National flights from Bourges are the absolute highlights of the Belgian pigeon sport. On Saturday, 27 May 2017 Bourges I was on the program. It is the first flight at the national level in Belgium.

In total, 43,962 pigeons at the start, 23,208 old birds and 20,754 years pigeons. These are more than 4,000 pigeons more than last year.

National winner of Bourges I in the category "Old” is Heindryckx Wilfried from Zedelgem.

The dove was at 12:14:09 pm with an average speed of 1443.89 m / min. stated at a distance of 453,598 kilometers.

heindrickx bourges

heindrickx bourges taube

heindrickx Bourges trough

heindrickx bourges abst

The national winner from Bourges I in the category “Years” is Casaert Maurice (Fils) aus Néchin.
The dove was at 11:35:35 pm with an average speed of 1458.56 m / min. stated at a distance of 401,954 kilometers.

Thus the dove even the fastest of Gesamtauflasses was against 43,962 pigeons.

Casaert bourges both

casaert bourges taube

Casaert Bourges trough

casaert bourges

Bourges om van 270517 0700

Number of old: 23275 yearlings number: 20701
Prices per 4: old: 5819 yearlings: 5176
Already signed: old: 9605 yearlings: 7485

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