
  • TOTAL auction of the entire STICKERS DONCKERS ZUCHTBESTANDES...das has there never been!

    TOTAL auction of the entire STICKERS DONCKERS ZUCHTBESTANDES...das has there never been!

    TEAM MÜHLING from Balve With Stickers-Donckers pigeons to the top !!! "Excellent, outstanding, just great" - a headline in the European pigeon press about the team Mühling as the Stickers-Donckers pigeons excellence churning scored. Markus Mühling, Jo Herbots and Silke Saller (partner Markus) With magnificent…

  • MARSEILLE International 2015...3. Update

    MARSEILLE international 2015…3. Update

    Liberation: 17.07.2015 event time: 06:40 o'clock weather conditions at the Liberation: blue sky, calm, serene… Messages International International winner Jos Martens 1 Martens Jos Stein LB (NL) 874 464 16:59:37 1411.30 [O] 2 Martens L. Elsloo (NL) 874 327 17:01:21 1407.14 [O] 3 Heynen Fr. Susteren (NL) 885 665 17:10:03 1405.71 [O] 4 sauce…

  • Derby Arona 2016 news...

    Derby Arona 2016 news…

      Derby Arona 2016 – Main race prizes – _ 1st pigeon – Trophy, diploma/certificate 50,000 EU€ (67,000 USD$) 2nd pigeon – Trophy, diploma/certificate 25,000 EURO€ 3rd pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 20,000 EURO€ 4th Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 15,000 EURO€ 5th Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate…

  • TOP results - weekend 11.07.2015 - 12.07.2015.

    TOP results - weekend 11.07.2015 - 12.07.2015.

    In Germany, many associations move towards the finish line. On the second weekend of July, there were outstanding results across the country. Friedrich Neuhaus from Dusseldorf won equal the first five prizes in the big list against 6012 pigeons. In Belgium, the National flights are in the limelight. Brugmans Sabrina, Halen (B) 07.11.2015 Chateauroux…

  • TaubenMarkt / the sport of pigeon - July 2015.

    TaubenMarkt / the sport of pigeon - July 2015.

      Dear readers, with the slightly unpleasant - even if you yourself are concerned - I want to start. In issue 5/2015, we reported on page 18 about the first Association champion with old birds of the Austrian carrier pigeon association Josef Königshofer. But the table of contents on page 3 of the same issue…

  • Post of the Week - BEYERS ELITE Enzymix MODERN SYSTEM ...


    THE POWER OF ENZYMES The Modern system is based on three starting points: Grains of top quality, the addition of liquid enzymes and ease of use. This added enzymes are 100% natural and completely tasteless and odorless. The enzymes are activated only by the conditions in the crop after the feed has been added. They provide…

  • Product of the Week ... Picorin® KLAUS ...

    Product of the week…Picorin ® by KLAUS…

    The body's own defensive substances are the best for the pigeons organism !!! – THEREFORE PICORIN – Immunoglobulins from chicken and cows are good and help our pigeons to stay healthy, especially if an immune defect. Quote: immunization, passive: supplying Immunglobulinfraktionenzum protection against infections or toxins; Duration average of 3-4 weeks because that…

  • St. Vincent International 2015...Update

    St. Vincent international 2015…Update

    10,737 pigeons take part in this year St.Vincent. Last year, 11,336 pigeons were released in St.Vincent. St. Vincent (int.) 2,015 10,737 pigeons used on 6.7 Situated leave on Friday 6:45 fastest pigeon: 1084.77 m / m, Enquin (FR) weather conditions during been liberated: nice to very nice, southeast wind, good visibility message: International messages: National Germany…

  • Flanders Collection - the best bloodlines of Belgium ...

    Flanders collection - the best blood lines in Belgium…

    Flanders Collection aus Liedekerke besitzen die exklusivste Gruppe von Rauw-Sablon/Marcel Aelbrecht sowie Dirk van den Bulck Tauben weltweit. Bruno Van den Brande und Yannick Deridder, auch unter dem Namen „FLANDERS COLLECTION“ bekannt, sind Eigentümer der bedeutendsten De Rauw-Sablon und Marcel Aelbrecht Taubenkolonie und dafür weltweit bekannt. Ihr gemeinsames Ziel:

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