Tag archives: mifuma

  • Mifuma - Top Jungtaube...

    Mifuma – Top Jungtaube…

    In order to feed young pigeons properly and, above all, to protect them from illness, they must be provided with all the important nutrients. Mifuma Top Young Pigeon is our food specially designed for the young pigeons in the growth phase and during the young pigeon journey. The optimal protein supply has been proven to improve the immune status of pigeons. The training…

  • MIFUMA Protein-Power...

    MIFUMA Protein-Power…

    Feed your pigeons an extra portion of protein. Mifuma Protein-Power with the red and yellow power peas in combination with toasted soybeans offers easily digestible components of the highest usability and is our top mixture for supplying your racing pigeons with protein. When traveling, it is recommended as a protein-rich building food in the days after…

  • New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup

    New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup

    New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup Mischfutter Werke Mannheim GmbH is introducing its own new racing pigeon championship in collaboration with brieftauben-markt.de. This competition is open free of charge to all breeders who are organized in the Association of German Racing Pigeon Breeders. To do this, submit your results to the product manager for racing pigeon food, Robert Maaß, at the end of the traveling season. The…

  • MIFUMA Cup 2024…

    New racing pigeon championship: Mifuma Cup MIFUMA presents its own, new racing pigeon championship in collaboration with brieftauben-markt.de. This competition is open free of charge to all breeders who are organized in the Association of German Racing Pigeon Breeders. To do this, submit your results to the product manager for racing pigeon food, Robert Maaß, at the end of the traveling season. The three best breeders win and…

  • MIFUMA - Elite Racing...

    MIFUMA – Elite Racing…

    Together with the MIFUMA pigeon product manager and Germany's top breeder Robert Maaß, MIFUMA has designed the new pigeon feed “Elite Racing”. According to his ideas and with the high-quality and exclusive components from MIFUMA, a premium travel food was created that also benefits the breeder who likes things quick and easy. With this…

  • SG Neuhaus and son...

    SG Neuhaus and son…

    If you look at the rankings this year, one name is high up again: SG Neuhaus & Son. Whether it's the German championship or the females, it's easy for the people of Düsseldorf - and it's been that way for years. They were even able to secure the German championship title with their yearlings. For this reason…

  • MIFUMA - our pearls...

    MIFUMA – our pearls…

    Our pelleted grains are unique: basic grains are coated with a mass that contains specially tailored nutrients. During production, low temperatures are used so that all nutrients are preserved. They can be used individually, so that the breeder has maximum freedom in upgrading his mixtures. We have the…



    AKTIV PERLE Mifuma Aktiv Perle ist das optimale Ergänzungsfutter für Jungtauben, Tauben im Training und im Wettflug. Reines L-Carnitin führt bei einer täglichen Fütterung zu einer stetig ansteigenden, langanhaltenden Topform der Reisetauben. Flugfreude und eine schnelle Regeneration sind die Folgen. Die Rezeptur wurde nochmals durch die Ergänzung mit funktionellen,

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