Tag archives: Klaus Gristein

  • The KLAUS professional league ...

    The KLAUS professional league…

    Die Fa. KLAUS GRITSTEINWERKE freut sich sehr euch heute mitteilen zu dürfen, dass die befreundeten Züchter nunmehr in der Klaus Profi-Liga bündeln werden. Die Mitglieder der Klaus Profi-Liga werden euch Einblicke in unseren so interessanten Sport geben und euch mit Neuigkeiten auf dem Laufenden halten. Im Zuge dieser neuen

  • Product of the Week - KLAUS AminoPrime ...

    Product of the week – KLAUS AminoPrime…

    KLAUS AminoPrime prevents ernährungsbedigten Kalkmangelerscheinungen. The unique composition promotes an optimized spring training and optimal bone structure significantly. By the laid calcium requirements, it can prevent feather eating. Optimized information transmission in the nerves and the brain are a result. Better birds with AminoPrime! Composition / Ingredients: water, calcium chloride Ingredients: Water: 82%…

  • The 5 guarantees of their success journey ...

    The 5 guarantees of their tour Success…

    The 5 guarantees for your trip successful CTP carnitine Power Composition / Ingredients: collagen hydrolyzate (pork), magnesium gluconate, dextrose, sodium chloride, calcium chloride Analytical constituents and levels / content / Content :: crude / raw protein 5.9%, crude fat / raw fat: 1%, crude fiber / raw fiber: 1%, crude ash / raw ashes: 1%, 0.2% calcium, 0.2% sodium additives per 1 liter: (nutritional additives) contents aan torgevoegte…

  • Bernd Wulhorst - Nationwide success in the strongest competition ...

    Bernd Wulhorst – Nationwide success in the strongest competition…

    Seit einigen Jahren zählt Sportfreund Bernd Wulhorst zu den stärksten „Spielern“ in der Region des Ruhrgebietes. Seit Jahrzehnten ist der Name Wulhorst in dieser Region im Brieftaubensport sehr bekannt. Schon sein Vater Heinz pflegte zu den besten Züchtern in Belgien und Holland enge Kontakte und erwarb von diesen hervorragende

  • Family Fernandes - the travel year 2016 was very good ...

    Family Fernandes – the travel year 2016 was very good…

    The travel 2016 was very good! When speaking in the Ruhr area about the family Fernandes, then you quickly to the conclusion: an outstanding impact for years especially when it comes harder and further. The Fernandez family has its letter deaf sporting home in the travel association Oberhausen Central (about 60 beats), the…

  • KLAUS Taubenpost 2017 ...

    KLAUS Taubenpost 2017…

    Klaus Neil stone factory GmbH & Co. KG in societies is one of the leaders in the field of pigeon sport, poultry, rabbit keeping and their breeding. The company Klaus Gritstone GmbH & Co. KG is a tip for breeders and professionals globally recognized and valued supplier of quality products. The KLAUS-products…

  • Product of the Week - KLAUS ColoCare ...

    Product of the week – KLAUS ColoCare…

    To improve the supply of minerals and trace elements, especially after diseases or treatments. Supports the reduction of pollutants in the feed and thereby promotes a stable digestion. Feeding instructions: About the Grains 1 heaped tablespoon per kg feed. Composition: carbonic. buy marine algae, wheat bran, calcium carbonate, peat, seaweed, brewer's grains, brewer's yeast products here ... (click)

  • KLAUS Taubenpost currently - The Slanted Aviator Syndrome ...

    KLAUS Taubenpost aktuell – Das Schiefflieger-Syndrom…

    We can now scientifically recognized results to this disease complex show them up under the name “Stress-related, non-infectious unilateral Buggelenksarthropathie pigeon (Slanted Aviator Syndrome) first results to clinical symptoms and pathological changes” are known. Advertisements buy products here ... (click)

  • Tip of the week - KLAUS "Carnitine   taurine power"...

    Tip of the week - KLAUS "Carnitine taurine power"...

    KLAUS „Carnitin+Taurin Power“ dient der Unterstützung des Fettstoffwechsels und der Leistungssteigerung. Klaus – C-T-P ist eine Entwicklung um Brieftauben in die Lage zu versetzten, im richtigen Moment, die passende Leistung zu bringen. Carnitin hält die Schlüsselrolle für die Regulierung des Fett- und Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels. Es besitzt eine Carrierfunktion für die

  • KLAUS Taubenpost 2016 - "support for health and performance" ...

    KLAUS pigeon post 2016 – "Assistance for health and performance"…

    Dear sport friends and sports fans! The changes in the world are progressing without ceasing. Who today thinks he is up to date, will be tomorrow overtaken if he does not follow the trend. Everything is changing. particularly the increasing use of technology and the changing age structure for the pigeon sport…

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