Category archives: Post of the Week

  • RÖHNFRIED pigeons Health Service ...

    RÖHNFRIED pigeons Health Service…

    active for decades for the benefit of pigeon breeders… Dr. Paul Seck From the outset, engaged the Biological Laboratory Dr. Paul Seck oHG of Röhnfried Pigeon health service for your success in the pigeon sport. Professional action has been among the fanciers great confidence in our work we geschaffen.Damit your confidence and increasing demands also…

  • Exclusive - the new KLAUS Taubenpost 2021/2022 ...

    Exclusive – the new KLAUS Taubenpost 2021/2022…

    Dear sports friends, I am pleased to be able to present you the Taubenpost 2021, filled with particularly interesting reports about successful breeders, our products and many other useful recommendations. Although the corona virus imposed considerable restrictions on us carrier pigeon breeders in 2020, which meant that we breeders had to forego many joint activities and trade fairs,…

  • The seven-point plan of Röhnfried for travel ...

    The 7-point plan by Röhnfried for the journey…

    This feeding concept was developed for breeders who want to feed their pigeons with the greatest possible safety and at the same time want to use the properties of special, performance and health-promoting preparations. The feed basis of the supply plan is Mifuma Power Mix, because it means that you can largely dispense with a change in feed within the week. The following goals should…

  • Vanrobaeys - Another LINING GENERATION ...


    GLUTEN FREE – Für die Gesundheit Ihrer Athleten Der Grundgedanke war im Besonderen, auf belastende Einzelsaaten zu verzichten, die mit Promaline/Galdine/Gluten behaftet sind. Bei Promaline/Gladine, besser bekannt unter dem Begriff Gluten, handelt es sich um einen Sammelbegriff für ein Stoffgemisch aus Proteinen, das im Samen einzelner Arten von Getreide vorkommt

  • Amino Acids - Technical paper by Peter Klaus ...

    AMINO ACIDS – Article by Peter Klaus…

    Amino acids Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are occurring in living nature in big variety protein substances that may have very different lengths and functions. Its discovery dates back to the year 1838th A protein molecule consisting of a chain of amino acids to each other by a certain type of bond, the…

  • The new RÖHNFRIED COURIER 2021 ...

    The new RÖHNFRIED COURIER 2021…

    SARS-CoV-2 – A virus that paralyzes a lot Dear sports fans, The past year has brought about many changes in the world, including the world of racing pigeon lovers. Despite all the restrictions that have been imposed on us since spring, we were able to complete a large part of our long-distance flights, albeit with a delay.…

  • Focus on breeding - Alfred Berger asks ...

    Focus on breeding - Alfred Berger asks…

    Alfred Berger discusses with breeders of the Röhnfried Racing Team and learns in this format from "Berger asks" which aspects of breeding are in focus in order to breed good racing pigeons in the long term. This DVD gives you, for the first time, unedited insights into the concepts, thoughts and procedures of these top breeders. They find out,…

  • Amino acids and vitamins ...

    Amino acids and vitamins…

    Protein or amino acid requirements? Proteins are the construction materials of the body. Depending on their function in the body is proteins can be divided into structural components of springs and cell walls - for building muscles, enzymes and hormones - for optimal functioning of the immune system - as transport vehicles in the blood. proteins are…

  • Vaccinations - Alfred Berger ...

    Vaccinations – by Alfred Berger…

    Each pigeon fancier wants pigeons reach the very good flight and breeding achievements. There are many factors that influence this, most of which are breeders dependent. Pigeons quality (correct selection), quality of the blow, motivation, training or impact management play a major role. However, all these factors are worthless if the health of the…

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