Product of the week – BLACK CELL von Probac/Dr. Brockamp…

New in assortment

Concentrated B-complex vitamin syrup

original Dr Brockamp

Black Cell

To improve performance in travel, breeding and moulting

  • before, during and after antibiotic treatment
  • support during treatment against young animal disease
  • contains sorbitol as hepatoprotective

ideal to be administered in combination with Probac 1000

Recommended dosage:
2-3 times a week 5-10 ml Black Cell 1 ltr. give water or 1 kg of feed for 25 pigeons per day.

99. Output Redaktion.qxd (Page 1)

Probiotic bacteria are microorganisms that can be found in the intestine of not stressed, healthy living.


Is a nutritional supplement that contains such useful living bacteria, called probiotic.


Especially stress, change in diet, antibiotic therapies or just wrong, not well balanced diet lead very quickly to changes in the balance of nature and thus to the destruction of the intestinal flora. The food is not optimally utilized, the immune system is weakened and you lose the ability to protect against intestinal diseases.
The result is a loss of vitality, reducing the performance of extreme.

Because the intestinal flora for different animals is specific probiotics are suitable for humans, not necessarily good for other animals. The concentrations present in dairy products such as yogurt in probiotic bacteria are z. B. too low to actively colonize the intestine can.

Modern biotechnology makes it now possible to produce specific bacteria for various animal species which are able to participate actively to settle in the intestine.
In the product selection is essential to make sure to use a specific product for the species.

All products of the company Probac pigeons Exhibitor Logo ONexpo buy here…(click)

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