Tip of the week – Vanrobaeys Star Produkte…

vanrobaeys star

The Ergänzer of Vanrobaeys are based on a modular system for the breeders in the stages of life of the pigeon fanciers year parallel to food supply Mauser travel of young and old pigeons breeding.

The Dove is home a Köstler (no pure granivores) mixed with a focus on the vegetarian side. In times of high stress the pure grains is no longer enough thus feeding and the supply needs to be supplemented. In nature E.g., the pigeons look worm larvae and fresh green buds during the young animal rearing! It is no longer possible by keeping pure shock and so it must be checked in with from the outside next season to pull magnificent young pigeons for the.

The Dove has a particularly high demands on the primary care of their cubs which the power unique in the natural can accomplish me only with high-quality crop that doubled birth weight from the first day of the slip in two days, the human need for 3 weeks months dogs and cat. Because you can appreciate how important are high-quality accessories. The answer comes from the new Vanrobaeys STAR products.


Packing: 500 gr
  • PowerStar
  • Maltodextrin
  • Sodium
  • Wheat bran


  • 1% crude fat
  • 24.9% crude protein
  • 1.7% raw fibre
  • 21,74% raw ash
  • 43900mg / kg sodium
  • 9, 11 g / kg lysine
  • 8, 62 g / kg methionine


Vitality build specifically with PowerStar.

  • Reduction of harmful metabolites in the intestine, thus stabilising the intestinal surface
  • Feed components can be built more efficiently by the body
  • Increases digestion performance as Chuck meets a perfectly prepared gastrointestinal tract
  • Promotes bile juice and enzyme secretion
  • Even and fast feed intake
  • Stimulates the appetite

So powered racers are again able to mobilize their power reserves and active in the tip to fly. When the flights will continue Wednesday 2. feeding and Thursday with half of the dosage begin.


During the trip: In the last two days of the week 10 g / kg feed with 10 ml BronchoStar wet, starting with half of the dosage.


  • Highly recyclable energy source after being released
  • Long-lasting effect
  • Extra energy during flights
  • Flight of fancy, promotes stimulates appetite


Packaging: 500ml
  • BronchoStar
  • Sorbitol
  • Glycerol


  • <0, 2% crude fat
  • 0, 5% crude protein
  • <0, 1% crude fiber
  • 1.08% raw ash
  • 448mg / kg sodium
  • 0, 02 g / kg lysine
  • <0, 02 g / kg methionine


Activation of the body's defences and support the performance of the respiratory ways by thyme, peppermint, licorice root, ginseng and other essential oils.

The respiratory infections are among the most common diseases in the pigeon in the tourist season. Mostly it's an infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose, sinuses, throat and larynx), or an infection of the lower respiratory tract (trachea and bronchial tubes) are the practices today in pigeons specialized endoscopic quickly to separate. Usually, it comes from the 5th price tour to creeping price losses, which is difficult to catch up are up to the end of the season. Prevention is important / conservation of the natural defences of the bronchial system. BronchoStar is a herb containing juice to support of the respiratory tract, increasing appetite, and to strengthen the natural defences. The high quality herbal complex contains, inter alia, thyme, anise,… and is therefore excellent to integrate products from Vanrobaeys in the yearlong health concept of new star. Therefore the grape breeder has a natural supply of respiratory often loaded from the travel time in winter at hand and can push through activation of self-healing with subliminal stress. The veterinary endoscopic control of respiratory 6 weeks before commencement of travel should be planned with as optimally as possible to make the start in the season. In the itinerary the usage with the other new Star products by Vanrobaeys, is an excellent addition to the preservation of the power level full that the deep and upper air passages.


In the period 10 ml kg of food 2 times at the beginning of the week.
In the winter time, 3 times a week 10 ml per kg of food.
To bind the Star products powder 10 ml per kg of food.


  • Free respiratory
  • Removal of Verschleimungen deep and upper respiratory tract
  • Protective film against inflammation


Packing: 500 gr
  • BactoStar
  • Maltodextrin
  • Wheat bran


  • 1.4% crude fat
  • 12.7% crude protein
  • 3.7% crude fiber
  • 23,78% raw ash
  • 1160mg / kg sodium
  • 7, 52 g / kg lysine
  • 2, 46 g / kg methionine


Health begins in the colon.

Already Paracelsus, the famous physician and naturalist realized that in the 16th century. Hardly a special body directly affects well-being. It supplies the whole organism with the necessary food energy. In simple terms: the system must be thousands substances – our food - record, in body or actionable convert and indigestible finally eliminated.

Even more:
The digestive tract is home to about 70 percent of immune cells. You should render harmless pathogens and toxins. That come with the food into the body. (Quote: the healthy Darmflora.de) Thus, it can be understood what harmful effects can affect the Dove body and immune system related:

  • After an Antibiotikakur by salmonella.
  • After vaccination
  • After stress phases in the tourist season.
  • After and during the young pigeon breeding.

Mixture of the offered building intestinal bacteria and rapidly usable nutrients offers the pigeon in critical situations of disease precisely during these periods, possibility of a targeted reconstruction of the damaged intestinal flora due to the specific Anatomy of pigeon intestine (short sections of the bowel) requires fast high-quality available nutrients contained in the Bacto star.


10 g / kg feed with yogurt link after antibiotics daily for 1 week. In the tourist season at the beginning and end of the week 10 g / kg feed with FlexiStar link starting 3 weeks prior to arrival.


  • AIDS digestion
  • Construction and protection of the intestinal flora
  • Construction of the immune system


Packaging: 500ml
  • FlexiStar
  • Sorbitol
  • Propylene glycol


  • 0% Crude fat
  • 1.5% crude protein
  • 0% Crude fiber
  • 1.36% raw ash
  • 1600mg / kg sodium
  • 0g/kg lysine
  • 0g/kg methionine


Food supplement for protection and construction of the tendons and joints for pigeons.

The special formulation of FlexiStar reduces joint inflammation and rebuilds the structure of cartilage. What can you expect from FlexiStar? FlexiStar is a dietary and must be applied thus in time before the start of loading by travel and training start. Especially for pigeons, which have sat tight throughout the winter without flight, a symptom that is observed otherwise even after long flights of headwind, occurs again increasingly. It's the wrong flyer disease complex. Which in the beginning of acute injury of the articular capsule with all adhesive tape and Kane - pelstrukturen it comes in the following to chronic degenerative joint disease. As in the literature described the breakdown of cartilage in the joints begins, the cartilage serves as a shock absorber between the individual skeletal proportions. Its function is supported by the synovial fluid that nourishes the cartilage, and is like a protective wall. In an osteoarthritis he regresses, the bones rub painfully against each other. The irritated skin of the bone reacts with inflammation (arthritis) and deformation of Gelenkkno-chen. Thus, the function of the joint is increasingly impaired. In the advanced stage it may be even to the ossification of the joint and constant stiffness. Causes for any wrong flyer syndrome (examined in the cooperation of pigeon Association-Pathologe Dr. Kirchhof and the animal - doctor Dr. Neumann-Aukthun 2009-2011) are lack of exercise – Sticking over the winter too early or too much strain by fast flight speeds, loads without a warm-up phase. Thus clearly becomes clear, the help for the joints may be only in the preparation of the joint structures. This is our new product FlexiStar comes in. Cure for osteoarthritis occurring is not possible, only prevent overloading the wing joints of in particular of the shoulder joint can be the right way to protect which through rapid on and off causes movement of the wing.


3 weeks in advance of the training flights 3 times per week 10 ml per kg of food. During the journey of young birds and old birds starting with the training phase of the pigeons, 3 times a week 10 ml per kg of food, then on 2 days a week Wednesday Thursday 10 ml per kg of food.


  • Development and nutrition of cartilage
  • Protection against inflammation of the joints due to excessive strain
  • Elasticity of articular cartilage
  • Bend in the wrong plane syndrome


Packing: 500 gr
  • ProteinStar
  • Maltodextrin
  • Sodium


  • 2.5% crude fat
  • 50% raw protein
  • 1.8% crude fiber
  • 9.4% raw ash
  • 2250mg / kg sodium
  • 196, 47 g / kg lysine
  • 86, 89 g / kg methionine


To the Support the travel preparation and flight power, of spring training (Mauser) and nutritional needs increased in times. (Flight muscles, young animal rearing, growth)

Muscles: Only through the work of the muscles, movements are possible. Just sports excellence would be unthinkable without appropriately trained muscles. To ensure the optimal supply of these operations, a supply concept was developed according to the latest scientific and veterinary knowledge.

Travel: In advance of training flights daily (10 g / kg feed) and then by the homecoming day until the animals are again around enough in the hand. There will be a faster recovery of the muscles, thus preventing a decrease in performance from the 5-7 price tour.

Sigh: Optimal care of parents / crop milk for rearing of young pigeons, the only best nurtured young pigeons guarantee the benefits in the following year of travel. Starting on the eggs to weaning the young pigeons 10 g / kg feed.

Young pigeons: Young pigeons are sold in an age of 21 days. In this transitional phase of the not yet fully developed physique and early flight activity and arrival is especially important to strengthen the muscles and as optimally as possible to make the supply, along with Flexi succeed star in the excellent quality. Dosage: 3 times a week 10 g protein star with 10ml Flexi star bounded through the feed.

Mauser: Only an optimally-fed spring brings a powerful spring dress or to get voice to such a spring dress, the Dove required a special, high-quality eiweißrei-che feeding during the moulting season. The biggest mistake would be to feed a stock pigeon feed, because "Animals do not" during the moulting season. Just the spring formation represents a special performance.


  • High-quality usable protein
  • Rapid regeneration of muscle mass until the pigeons in the hand are again around enough
  • Long-term development of body substance
  • High-quality combination of essential amino acids


Packaging: 1000ml
  • PhBlueStar
  • Water
  • Organic acids
  • Cupperchelate


  • 0g/kg lysine
  • 0g/kg methionine
  • 4.7% formic acid
  • 2.8% acetic acid
  • 2.5% Popionsäure
  • 2.5% lactic acid
  • 2500mg / kg Cupperchelate


Sustainablecareful hygiene of drinking water and the drinking.

AND thus reducing the reproductive pressure IN stock, guaranteed only the daily application of the pigeon, due to their drinking behavior, * that significantly throughout the day uniform quality of offered drinking water differs from other species of birds,. Watching otherwise algae-like Verschleimungen of the drinking vessels of the past. Registered dirt through shake abgesenk-ter-feather dust and germ particles have no breeding ground. Only in the time of Schleimjungen (please no acidification here) and in the travel time only 2 days at the beginning of the week PH star daily applied with a set dosage of 5 ml per liter of drinking water.

* Pigeons only haunt a haunt squirt in the water and drink only, at this moment, the Trichomonads and germs from the crop and the Beak area with in the drinking water are entered in the crop and the next Dove drinking shall proceed in the same way. Throughout the day, so the bacterial concentration in the impact water increases and the animals have no clean water. The acidification prevents the growth of bacteria and kills the registered Trichomonden.


All year round 5 ml per 1 l potions.
In the tourist season only two days earlier in the week. Not at Schleimjungen.


  • Water hygiene
  • Prevents the growth of algae and pathogenic bacteria
  • Tip: Test your water!



vanrobaeys May 2018


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