Product of the week – Dr. Brockamp Probac 1000…

Probiotic electrolyte to regenerate the intestinal flora by antibiotics – after vaccination – nach dem Wettflug

Probation 1000

Particularly stress, feed conversion, or Antibiotikatherapien very quickly lead to changes of the natural intestinal flora. The food is not more optimally utilized, the immune system is weakened and the Dove loses the ability to protect against intestinal diseases. Probac 1000 contains a special combination of deaf-specific and settlement-active micro-organisms, as well as a unique combination of bowel-regulating carbohydrates. The various bacterial cultures contained support each other the ability actively to settle in the small intestine of the pigeon. Thus they help digestive processes, create essential nutrients, stabilize the natural intestinal flora and strengthen the immune system. Crowd out pathogenic bacteria such as coccidia, Hexamites, E. coli, Candida, salmonella and therefore preventive effect against Darmkrankheiten.Die natural intestinal flora will regenerate as quickly and gently.

The regular administration of Probac 1000 boosts natural defences, improves feed efficiency, promotes the appetite, and has thus performance. More energy available is the pigeons in the race.

Due to its specific composition Probac 1000 is the ideal electrolyte after the race, because the regeneration phase is shortened significantly. Should be the pigeons infected during transport with harmful bacteria have, these are pushed out quickly and of course of the mucous membranes and intestinal villi and have a chance to reproduce. We recommend therefore, already on the day of the return, as well as the day after 1000 give the pigeons Probac. The droppings are firmly bound in the next morning, Brown and the feather moulting has already reinstated.

To achieve the above effects, is a corresponding concentration as well as a regular administration of vital importance. Therefore contains a single gram (1 g) Probac 1000 more than 1.5 billion of Dove specific, colony-forming bacteria. It is recommended 2 times a week to administer 5 g Probac 1000 per 1 l of water or 1 kg of food for 25 birds per day. So is each individual animal of according to more than 300 million beneficial bacteria per day. The colon with bacteria is submerged during each feeding.

Other areas of use:

3 imperative Antibiotikakuren or the use of chemotherapy drugs – 5 days Probac 1000 administered as quickly as possible to rebuild the damaged intestine flora. After the paramyxovirus, paratyphoid, or smallpox vaccinations Probac ideal 1000, to facilitate the immunization response the Organis-ISM of the pigeon and quickly again to regenerate the affected intestinal flora. Due to the better feed conversion Probac 1000 during the breeding and moulting phase is ideally suited, to enhance the growth of the youngsters as well as the quality of spring. Especially to prevent the young animal disease (Adeno), Probac proved 1000 superbly. Therefore Probac should be used 1000 necessarily also 2 x a week for the youngsters.

Health comes from the gut!


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