VANROBAEYS breeding action 2016…

vanrobaeys banner 2016

The company VANROBAEYS offers a unique German breeders to start the Zuchsaison again.

Just convinced VANROBAEYS with the innovative change of packaging and already offers VANROBAEYS its customers a new highlight.

Best quality at the best price for the upcoming Zuchsaison.

See and ask your feed dealer for the VANROBAEYS Breeding range!

Or ask us directly:


Gregor Alexander

Fauviller ring 55

53501 County

Mobile phone: 49 1522 187 5563

Tel: 49 2641 912 3400

Fax: 49 2641 912 7386


vanrobaeys December 2015

vanrobaeys ten 2015_1


About VANROBAEYS food mixes you can read more here…(click)

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