Etienne Pauwels

one of the best in the province of Limburg.

In the year 2015 absolute excellence!

The pigeons are at the base of van Loon and currently the Geerinckx and the "Freddie's" from pros Roosens!


It is always said that Metzger are the best pigeon fanciers. Here is some truth certainly. But not only the thought of a good selection plays a role here, but also the feeling for the good of the individual. Etienne Pauwels was butcher - during his professional and he has this sense.


pauwels with trophies

Etienne Pauwels – as often as the winner…


Championships 2015 H.z Midden Limburg:

Everything against -900 hits!

Oude duiven 4de
Jonge duiven 2en
Jaarduiven 12de
Algemeen 3de
Asduif: oude 12de Superasduif and 6de Asduif: jongen 3de 12de 14de
Asduif: jaarduiven 18de superasduif and 11de Superasduif: jongen 1st

Here in Kermt and in the stronghold of the pigeon to play well Limburg, but not only this talent is enough, but you need very good pigeon material in order to compete against size of the Belgian pigeon sport as the unfortunately late pros Roosen, Armand Schoolmeesters, Guido Rego, W., and S. Vrancken, Robert Vernijns, etc..
And Etienne Pauwels is not only against the Belgian top player but can refer in their place this year after year.
Auction 2015 pauwels with text

Here you can read more about Etienne Pauwels... (click)


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