TEAM Mackenzie from Balve – With the stickers Donckers pigeons at the top…

"Excellent, excellent, just pointed" - so ruled the competition about the team Mackenzie as been made deaf excellence churning with the stickers Donckers.

Mühling beide

Markus Mühling, Silke Saller (Companion of Markus)

With impressive performance and outstanding pigeon material showed Markus Mühling and his team of what it means, to travel successfully. In addition to Championships, especially absolute top prizes and ACE pigeons title count for Markus.

After a break of several years travel, the new start launched 2013 with 90 youngsters. However, 30 youngsters were killed by a raccoon. A failed fourth training flight cost again 30 youngsters. So, only 28 youngsters to play remained about 2013. With this 28 youngsters, from the original doves by stickers Donckers, top prizes were all played in series.

The result:

129 pigeons used / 94 prices – 29 x up to the 10.Preis – 52 x in 1 / 10tel – 3 x 1st prize - which is an absolute record!

  1. RV flight Jungmeister with 5 prizes tab (as a single blow, the maximum price has reached 25/25! And with 28 traveller pigeons!)

1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6, 7, etc.-best young pigeon of RV

All 100% stickers-Donckers!

Mühling B-12-6073171

Travel is in the strong regional association in Dortmund and the surrounding area and in the travel Association Plettenberg.

The pigeons of stickers Donckers are responsible for this triumph. Success pigeons by stickers Donckers originated by Mathieu van Mechelen (Lille, BE), Jef Vervoort (Lille, BE), Frans Heylen (Vorselaar, BE) and Leo Hamilton herremans (Vorselaar, loading). Stickers-Donckers considered today's best short-haul players in Belgium. 140 first prizes in the last 4 years speak a unique language.

Mühling B-11-6329681

In the travel year 2014 alone, following major Championships were won by stickers Donckers:

  1. Olympiad pigeon G - Budapest 2015
  2. National Championship KBDB yearlings shorthaul
    2. National Championship KBDB old short track
    3. National Championship old middle distance KBDB
    3. u. 12 AS pigeon KBDB yearlings shorthaul
    13th & 15th AS pigeon KBDB old short track
    16 National Championships KBDB young short track
  3. Provinciale Antwerpen old short track Championship
    3. Provincial Championship Antwerp young short track
    3. Provincial Championship Antwerp middle distance
    3. provincial AS pigeon Antwerp old short track
    2. provincial AS pigeon Antwerp young short track
    1 Provinciale AS pigeon Antwerp old medium-haul


The entire stock of the team Mackenzie was built with the animals of the Belgian short-distance of champions. But not with any pigeons, but only with children of national as pigeons, Olympiad pigeons and absolute top pilots. So, no less than 7 children of the Olympic doves inhabit the breeding loft in Balve. Only the best moved to the beats of team Mackenzie. The children of the original stickers Donckers impressed pigeons 1 prices ahead with 35 m / min at the team Mackenzie on competitions, as they and flew 58m / min on the competition.

Mühling B-11-6322772

On the breeding loft by Markus Mühling, a total of 45 original sit stickers Donckers pigeons, including 40 children from master pigeons or national Astauben and Olympiad pigeon! The team Mackenzie may also indicate unusual references:

Ralf Meinzer from Karlruhe picks up with the breeding of the stickers Donckers original bird-B-11-6151387 the 1 RV young animal Championship.

Mühling B-11-6151387

Burkhard Jedowski from Balve flies several 1st prizes with the pigeons from the team Mackenzie in the years 2013 and 2014.

Andreas bream from Warstein also gains several 1st prizes with stickers Donckers pigeons of the team Mackenzie.

And exactly these successes draw attention on the breed of stickers Donckers large breeders of our sport worldwide. So it is not surprising that even the Dutch Grandmaster Hans Eijerkamp sought the way currently to Lille to reinforce with the animals by stickers Donckers.

This documents the international importance of the stickers Donckers pigeons. Without a doubt, the team Mackenzie can be described as the Filialschlag number 1 by stickers Donckers. Even Dirk Donckers talks about them in the highest tones and described her collection as unique in the world.

A long hospital stay by Markus Mühling from may 2014 and its consequences unfortunately for the time being prevent the continuation of the pigeon sporting success story.

Team Mackenzie

Glass Hüttenweg 4

58802 Balve

Tel. 02375 / 4294

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