Tip of the week – Dr Brockamp active iron…

To increase the Sauerstoffkozentration in the blood

Iron as an important part of the blood pigment hemoglobin, enables red blood cells to the transport of oxygen. Hemoglobin binds the inhaled oxygen and transports it to the body's cells.
In phases of high physical exertion, such as Travel, breeding and moulting, the iron requirement is increased. When youngsters need to verhundertfachen more than their body weight in the first weeks of life and are accordingly much blood and hemoglobin, iron anemia is one of the most common deficiency symptoms. The immediate consequence is a hemoglobin deficiency which leads to an inadequate oxygen supply to the whole organism. In addition, other important metabolic processes are inhibited in addition to the transport of oxygen to the cells.

The pigeon gets its flight energy primarily from the fat metabolism. Carbohydrate metabolism mainly used by the people required the deployment of energy from fat metabolism multiples more on oxygen as a comparatively. This shows how important one is high enough concentrations of hemoglobin in the blood for the pigeon.
Energy in the form of fat, carbohydrates and protein as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements are the Dove through a balanced diet to provide sufficiently.
Thus, the presence of a sufficiently high concentration of oxygen in the blood during the race becomes the performance factor, especially for endurance.

Active iron promotes the formation of blood, specifically increases the number of red blood cells and increases the hemoglobin content. This is the oxygen concentration in the blood increases and accelerates the transport of oxygen to the cells. This leads to an increase of the condition, the performance and, eventually, a natural increase in performance in the competitions.
At the today's requirements on the modern travel Dove, the need for iron and iron supply must be discussed necessarily new because visually healthy pigeons can clearly be vitalized by a regular iron gift.

Disease of the gastro-intestinal tract impede the absorption of iron. Reasons may be insufficient acidity of gastric juice, for example, or mucosal lesions in the upper small intestine, as well as contamination with harmful bacteria. Therefore care should be taken, to keep intact the natural intestinal flora of homing pigeons. Moreover, the bioavailability of iron is lowered, at old pigeons on approximately 10% while youngsters can utilize up to 90% of the iron out of the Chuck. Attention therefore strictly on a high dose.

1000 ml active iron contain 22,000 mg of a specific organically bound iron. This special organically-bound form of iron is best absorbed in direct comparison to other iron supplements by the Dove body and recovered.

Active iron should be used whenever, if special physical loads are required by the pigeons. Especially during the Wettflugsaison active iron should be administered at least 2 times a week for drinking water. Ideal is already 3-4 2-3 times a week of active iron to administer weeks before the travel time to fill the iron stores of the deaf at an early stage. Depending on the physical load, we recommend that you give 5 ml active iron on 1-2 l of water or 1-2 kg of food for 25 birds per day.


Dr.Brockamp buy here... (click)



Brockamp- march 2015 2

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