Günter NIEs – A veteran in the German homing pigeon sport…

Günter NIEs – A veteran in the German homing pigeon sport
Many year it was the 30s line from H.R.Reimann, which formed the successful basis at Günter NIEs besides the Vandenabeele pigeons. Now there are more blood, which make up the successes. Descendants of "Small Dirk", "Real King" x "Blue Queen","Poot Orleans" x "Wittekop Bil", "Jan", "Favoriet" etc. now form the new breeding links with the existing AS pigeons – and the very successful.
With the Championship of the 34th German Association and other Championships in 2014 (see Dove photo) travel, Günter NIEs once again proved his expertise in pigeon breeding.
klaus nies
Who claimed for decades at the top of the German homing pigeon scene, may be favored not only by luck, but knows exactly which pigeons and breeding constellations are to achieve success. That Günter intensively deals NIEs with the supply of his pigeons, meant that about 20 years ago together with the Company KLAUS performance-enhancing geniuses powder developed, which is successfully used today by many sports enthusiasts for their pigeons.
After several attempts, he trusts the feed mixes today Vanrobaeys company.
“A corresponding supply is the key for a successful breeding, which leads to winning championships”, as Günter NIEs.
nies 2015
Nagarajan g by 2015
Günter NIEs
Rhine heights 36
56182 Urbar
Tel: 0261 60055

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