TaubenMarkt / the pigeon sport – Issue 12/2014

deaf marketable title dec 2014

Dear readers and readers,

Once a year is coming to an end and Christmas is just around the corner! Personal destinies, moments, Achievements and or losses will decide whether it for us was a more or less good year. Certainly also the personal view or the person isreasons feeling vital, because each of us "is" something different. And that's a good thing! However it would be wise, one with circumstances quarrels, which in principle not are worth. One of these circumstances is, for example, failure in the BCall pigeon sport. Who be "well-beingare"exclusively by successes or losses in the Pigeon sport addictive should to asking grapple, whether it is really appropriate. The renowned author and psychiatrist Manfred Lütz once said on the show "Night Café", that "every moment in our lives is unrepeatable"! In other words: life is finite for each of us and the days and moments to the end are "unrepeatable". Aware of, it seems to be very questionable if one quarrels with failures in the pigeon sport and steals his own limited and "unrepeatable" time itself. Let us therefore make the most of "our" time! Homing pigeon sport for me is more than just the question of success or failure. It is namely detached from the question of whether they need slightly more or less time for the enthusiasm and fascination for small birds, which come across hundreds of kilometres to go home. There are also numerous friendships and encounters, incurred in the pigeon sport. Last but not least, it is also dealing with the animals, which give a sense of the day. As a result can everyone in the pigeon sport be successful and then, if it is dependent on the success not only of the price list, but sees the whole bandwidth of the pigeon sport as enriching his own life and this enrichment as Assess success. A very special, certainly independent of this subject now prone to the end of the year 2014 because the wall on the inner German border fell 25 years ago and this is certainly reason enough to celebrate! In recent weeks, much has been discussed whether or not the GDR was an "unjust State". Like our German Chancellor Angela Merkel, also I believe that this was unfortunate. In memory of the murdered many people at the wall I want to my joy to express, that there is no longer the DDR and the SED dictatorship. Finally won freedom in the sense of 'enlightenment', so independence and the absence of oppression. These are an indispensable part of rule of law and is also the Federal Republic of Germany. The Publisher of this journal, namely Uwe Kreutzfeldt, has also taken "that" freedom and held the first "TaubenMarkt-show" in Mannheim in German reunification (1990). Since 1991, the fair is held once a year in Kassel and celebrated its 25th anniversary this year also. "Kassel" has become a household name in the international pigeon sport. A wide range of products and high-quality pigeons there is available for the visitors. Last but not least, there are but also the numerous friendships and encounters that it makes and maintains in Kassel. Christmas is encounter! At his first mass of the day in advent last year Pope said "Francis" among other things the following: "we go on this way, to meet the Lord. Christmas is encounter! And we are on the way to meet him: him to meet up with the heart, with the life, living to meet him as he is. him with faith to meet. And it is not easy to live with faith." In this sense we wish Merry Christmas and a "happy new year" in a good, healthy and successful year 2015!

Author André Petan, editor Uwe Kreutzfeldt, Chief Editor Hans Brühl
as well as all other employees and employees of BIW publishing.


Beyers pigeon market dec 2014 Boskamp pigeon market dec 2014 Herbots pigeon market dec 2014 Herbots pigeon market dez_2 2014 Herbots pigeon market dez_3 2014 Roehnfried1 pigeon market dec 2014Roehnfried2 pigeon market dec 2014Roehnfried3 pigeon market dec 2014

vanrobaeys December 2014

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