PREMIUM AUCTION – Willy Steenaerts

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Willy Steenaerts from Lummen (BE)

dominates West-Limburg with the youngsters!

36 x 1st prize in the year 2014

In the Belgian Limburg is one of Willy Steenaerts for years the TOP addresses in the pigeon sport. While he convinces with first-class services at the distances between 100 and 700 km. In particular shy away from Willy no competition and plays around with his pigeons not only against farmers "to the Church" but shows his whole class in the provincial competitions. Even at his club "WITPEN LUMMEN" were in 2014 42,000 pigeons played. So he entered until today 12 provincial victories. Must do this first one, here in Limburg, where the Belgian pigeon sport shows still competitions.

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