HABRU pigeon day 2014 – Invitation to the 19th October 2014

Habru num 2014

For 5 years we carry a pigeon day for Dutch breeders very successfully. This year, we organise a pigeon day for the first time for our German sports.

Sunday, October 19, 2014 11: 00-15:00

We offer you the possibility to inform themselves about the latest developments. And that in the presence of some luminaries of our sport during the Habru pigeon day on Sunday, October 19th 2014, from 11: 00 until 15:00.

Preparations are in full swing. Login now for free. The space is limited. Therefore quickly register.

Registration for the day of the Dove

The Habru pigeon day
Habru is now much more than just pigeon sport. Sports enthusiasts from Germany have a place in our hearts. That's why there is the Habru pigeon day. Small bite from our kitchen and bar there to answer a high-profile forum with Gert-Jan prey as a forum manager and four capacities at the table to all of your questions.

Before and after the forum you can examine all Habru products and try out. The physical well-being is not forgetting of course. We end the day with a spectacular photo. The proceeds in full extent of KWF cancer control as well.

We are available Monday to Friday from 08: 00 – 17:00.

T: 31 (0) 314 – 712-444
F: 31 (0) 314 – 712-445
E: Info@habru.nl

Transport route 6
NL 7007CN Doetinchem
P.o. box 23
NL 7000AA Doetinchem

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