Ruhr area 31.05.2014-01.06.2014

Ruhr area 31.05.2014-01.06.2014

Now it's time, pending the first Ruhr flight in 2014 for the upcoming weekend. Until now, the weather prophets predict good weather conditions. We will see.
What disturbs me personally a little, there is almost nowhere to read that one of the biggest pigeon events in Germany is something - just we here attention each week on homing pigeons Just the organizers should operate quietly more advertising for this event in advance. A ceremony in October good and beautiful but it belongs but a little more on that, to present themselves.
In my first report I've already pointed out, you should get a little proud of the thing quietly. But the pigeon sport lives by such major events.
In the year 2014, the pigeon number will come to the 42000 45000 from 5 regional shipping gangs with approximately 1850 traveling beats. A but impressive number.

The entire Ruhr area in their regional flights has played on the last weekend and there were very different flight patterns. You loss rate was very low.

The Regional Association of 400 started your 9860 pigeons in Neumarkt. The Team Kirchmann took with a year-old female 0968 13 881 victory in great competition. Again in the lace top, the Team Haas cunt from the Gelsenkirchen 1894 RV!

kirchmann both

Andreas and Thomas Kirchmann

In the Regional Association of 401 took one of the top hits Schmelzer Hofmeister the regional victory and may well sign another big victory.


SG Schmelzer-Hoffmeister

The Ruhr Valley winners 2011 of Hemau Helmut Köster a strong scent was just before the big launch of the Ruhr area events and Hemau wins again in the Regional Association of 402 against 13993 pigeons.

koester im witwerschlag1

Helmut Köster

Particularly strong in the top PS angle valve with 3 and 6.Price, took also the first medal of the season. Martin Schulte the RV Plettenberg played with 8. And 9th Prize 2 pigeons in the top ten.

The Regional Association of 403 with W. sabastian Goh FRU from the RV Witten was his big winners. Here was open to distributing price 49 minutes... Despite everything, hardly any losses were complained.

Regensburg was the first will for its regional airline in the Regional Association of 412.
Here dominated Bracht high travel Association, the same 7 pigeons could place in the top ten. The top stroke of the RV Sauerland Gerhard Koerneke won this great flight and 15 prizes of 22 used pigeons.

At this point the current numbers of regional associations:

Regio 400 458 hits 9860 pigeons
Regio 401 272 hits 6887 pigeons
Regio 402-565 hits 13993 pigeons
Regio 403 254 hits 6386 pigeons
Regio 412 394 hits 10163 pigeons
1934 beats 47289 pigeons

Regional Association of 400

9860 pigeons 458 hits Neumarkt (404 km)

Regional winners team Kirchmann RV food

2nd Prize team Haas cunt RV Gelsenkirchen 1894
3rd Prize team Haas cunt RV Gelsenkirchen 1894


Team Haas cunt

4th RV food Baxter, Frank price
5. price Göritz, Detlef, and Jörg RV food
6 price Spickenbom F. RV Bottrop
7. price Fechner-Paulsen Vogt RV food
8 price Prochazka, Helmut RV Oberhausen Central


Helmut Prochazka

9 price Lemke K.H. RV food.
10.Preis Nolte th. R. RV Gelsenkirchen 1894

Regional Association of 401

6887 pigeons 272 hits Parsberg (410 km)

Regional winners Schmelzer Hofmeister RV Recklinghausen Süd

2nd Prize Gebr. Schlüter RV Recklinghausen Suderwich


Gebrüder Schlüter

3. price SG Behler son RV OER-Erkenschwick
4. price Saeed Günter RV Herten
5. price Ladwig, Jannik RV OER Erkenschwick
6th Prize Laking and son RV RV marl
7. price Laking and son RV RV marl
8 price SG GIESE/Harley RV owners
9 price SG GIESE/Harley RV owners
10.Preis Dzielak ash broken RV marl

Regional Association of 402

13993 pigeons 565 hits Hemau (420 km)

Regional winners KÖSTER Helmut RV Plettenberg

2nd Prize Nolte Wilhelm RV Unna Haarstrang
3rd Prize PS angle valve RV Dortmund West

winckelhahn Helmut and Petra

Helmut and Petra angle stopcock

4. price ARF Otto RV Plettenberg
5. price Kötter R. A. M RV Dortmund Aplerbeck
6. price PS angle valve RV Dortmund West
7 price Theurbanpastor Lothar RV Schwerte
8 price Schulte Martin RV Plettenberg
9 price Schulte Martin RV Plettenberg
10.Preis Kenkmann Jörg RV Castrop-rauxel

Regional Association of 403

6386 pigeons 254 hits Parsberg (415 km)

Regional winners Voßkuhle RV tub

2nd Prize writer, Franz J RV Bochum Nord
3rd Prize Ratz Bremen RV Herne tub
4. price Marx RV Herne tub
5. price Marx RV Herne tub
6. price Kaczmarczyk, Josef RV Witten
7. price hemp country RV Witten
8. price Brendel H. RV Witten
9. price Kanal St Kohut th. RV Bochum 05
10.Preis Kanal St Kohut th. RV Bochum 05

Regional Association of 412

10163 pigeons 395 hits Regensburg (420 km)

Regional winners Koerneke Gerhard RV Sauerland

2nd Prize Mette Alfred RV Bracht high
3rd Prize Saeed P. RV Bracht high
4. price Schmidt Reinhold RV Bracht high


Reinhold Schmidt

5. price Kramer Reinhardt RV Bracht high
6th Prize Kramer Reinhardt RV Bracht high
7. price nail Richard RV Bracht high
8th Prize-Kramer Reinhardt RV Bracht high
9. price Wiegard, Heino RV Werl
10.Preis Walton, Heino RV Werl

Ideas and images, please contact:


For you from the Ruhr area


Thomas Kambey dinner

Here you find all information on the Ruhr area flights 2014…(click)


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