Manuel Santos wins the overall competition and in zone 2;  SG j Schulte in zone 1

Manuel Santos wins the overall competition and in zone 2; SG j Schulte in zone 1

42,000 pigeons started to the Ruhr area flight from Hemau

A few days ago, you could read a short preliminary report at the start of the Ruhr area flights carried out this year for the fourth time at this point. Now, the first flight of three scheduled flights again is history.
Around 42,000 pigeons from 1.843 beats of the 48 RVen from the regional associations 400, 401, 402, 403 and 412 started on Sunday June 8 at 5:50 in sunny weather and light southeast flow on the military training area on the traditional first flight from Hemau. This year, the sports fans of the regional association of 409 had apart from attending; hope that you are in again the next year.
As on this weekend in the entire Federal territory, so also this flight was under the influence of high temperatures. I'm glad so that the pigeons could be started so early.
As already in the previous year, a division of the competition into two zones was made now.

Here the winners of zone 1:

SG j Schulte, RV Witten
SG Cieslak, RV Bochum-Nord
E. Wrobel, RV Witten
Fankideiski, RV Wattenscheid
Team Haas / cunt, RV Gelsenkirchen v. 1894
Balaso Zawadzki, RV Witten (winners from Wels in 2013)
Herbert Wiesner, RV Bochum-Nord
K.-H. Vogelsang RV Witten
W. Freudenthal, RV Erkenschwick
Margaret Nagaraj, RV Recklinghausen Süd

Winners of the zone 2:

Manuel Santos, RV Meschede
Helmut Hainsch, RV Hamm on the lip
Reinhold Schmidt, RV high Bracht (Ruhr area champions 2013)
Heinz Elbers, lip Valley RV Hamm
Michael Kloss, RV Werl
Gêbr Menke, RV Menden
SG Piontek, RV Warstein
Helmut Laars, RV Plettenberg (zone winners from Wels 2013)
Heinz Knobloch, RV high Bracht
Volker nickel, lip Valley RV

This winner of the zone 2 gain the first 10 places in the overall competition.
As you can see, also well-known names from the past few years can be found in the top flight, but also "newcomer" and the so-called "little" play an outstanding role; and that is the appeal of our sport and these flights.
Total and zone victory for Manuel Santos RV Meschede


It was the Day in the (deaf sports) live for Manuel Santos from the RV Meschede. 09:30:23 ran the blue, one-year female with the ring number 06837-13-98 over the antenna in Meschede and won the following victories with a flight speed of 1.561,905 m / min:

1.Preis Ruhr flight Hemau in the overall
1.Preis Ruhr flight Hemau in zone 2
1.Preis in the District of 412
1.Preis in the aviation community Meschede / high Bracht
1.Preis in the RV Meschede

Manuel Santos is one of the so-called "little" in our sport, this time the big victory is granted. Over 20 years our Portugal-born sports operates the pigeon sport, and that 06837 "native love" Meschede over the years in the BZV. Many years ago it has caused professional him here in the Sauerland slyly. The 55-year-old father is at home here, he feels at home in the heart of the sauerland region, and has become an important and constant variable in the Club and RV life.
He holds rather spartan, regarding the accommodation the pigeons. Garden strikes without running water and electricity you feel in here but obviously poodle probably, because multiple Manuel was waiting with great success.
The winning pigeon is a gorgeous blue females from 2013, with a beautiful look and feel and the necessary will to win, to achieve such success. Father of '98"is a bird of the friend and club mate Willi Porwol. He was pulled from a Koopman birds of the line of the world-famous "Kleine Dirk" in connection with a Vervoort hen from the no less famous line of "Fienecke 5000". The mother of hen of the winner comes from domestic fields. Michael sports friend this hen as a gift was Rasche, also a club colleague, Manuel. It comes from Schellens based of shock Rome Weber from Dortmund, Germany. You have to spend so also today not vast sums of money to get good pigeons.

Zone victory in zone 2 for the SG j - Schulte from the RV Witten.
Here the clock 10:31:25 as the hen showed in the heart of the Ruhr area 07807-12-684 with a flight speed of 1.501,613 m / min was noted. Proud owners are the sports Jäschke and Schulte, who belong to the RV Witten. Both are closely connected with the pigeon sport, with just Oliver Jäschke quasi could make his hobby into a career. For years he is on the Editorial Board of the periodical "The carrier pigeon" worked and there just for the field of advertising, advertisements of etc. important and reliable partner for customers and business partners. The sports is the two partner for many years and with great success. You now have a top spot in the RV and in addition the RegV 403 Bochum conquered, in these competitions, the SG occurs constantly in the top flight. Here too, there are some few but specifically selected exception pigeons that the performers are at the base. The champion hen comes for example from the line of the old master hen from Oliver in connection with a dove of the SG Hinz/ebbing/Kannan/Appuhn, to a warm welcome is for years.

Source: (Wilhelm Brocks)

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